Computer Shortcut Key Description

Shortcut Key Description
Ctrl + C Copy selected text or item
Ctrl + X Cut selected text or item
Ctrl + V Paste copied or cut text or item
Ctrl + Z Undo previous action
Ctrl + Y Redo previous action
Ctrl + A Select all items or text
Ctrl + S Save current document or file
Ctrl + P Print current document or file
Ctrl + F Open “Find” dialog box to search for text or items
Ctrl + N Open a new document or window
Ctrl + O Open an existing document or file
Ctrl + W Close current document or window
Ctrl + F4 Close current tab or window in a web browser
Ctrl + Tab Switch between open tabs or windows in a web browser or application
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last closed tab in a web browser
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder
Ctrl + Shift + S Save current document or file with a different name
Ctrl + Alt + Del Open Task Manager to manage processes and applications
Alt + Tab Switch between open applications or windows
Alt + F4 Close current application or window
F5 Refresh or reload current page or document
F11 Toggle full-screen mode in a web browser or application
Windows Key + D Show or hide desktop
Windows Key + E Open File Explorer
Windows Key + L Lock computer or switch user
Windows Key + R Open Run dialog box
Windows Key + X Open Quick Link menu in Windows 10
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + T Open a new tab in a web browser
Ctrl + F5 Clear cache and refresh current page in a web browser
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly in Windows
Ctrl + Esc Open Start menu in Windows
Alt + F Open File menu in an application
Alt + E Open Edit menu in an application
Alt + V Open View menu in an application
Alt + S Open Save menu in an application
Alt + O Open Options menu in an application
Alt + H Open Help menu in an application
Alt + Enter Open properties or information of a selected item
Alt + Space Open window’s system menu (e.g., minimize, maximize, close)
Alt + Backspace Go back to previous page in a web browser
Alt + Home Go to homepage in a web browser
F1 Open help or context-sensitive information
F2 Rename selected item
F3 Open search box in a file explorer or web browser
F4 Display address bar drop-down list in a web browser
F6 Switch focus between different areas of an application or window
Tab Move to the next field or element in a form or dialog box
Shift + Tab Move to the previous field or element in a form or dialog box
Esc Cancel or close current action or dialog box
Ctrl + Home Go to the beginning of a document or webpage
Ctrl + End Go to the end of a document or webpage
Ctrl + Page Up Scroll up one page at a time
Ctrl + Page Down Scroll down one page at a time
Ctrl + + Zoom in or increase text size
Ctrl + – Zoom out or decrease text size
Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom or return to default text size
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly in Windows
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys Select text or items in a document or webpage
Ctrl + Drag and Drop Copy or move selected item to a different location
Ctrl + Shift + D Insert the current date in a document
Ctrl + Shift + T Insert the current time in a document
Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font in a document
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size in a document
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size in a document
Ctrl + Shift + L Apply a bulleted or numbered list in a document
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy formatting of selected text or item
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste formatting onto selected text or item
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder
Ctrl + Shift + S Save current document or file with a different name
Windows Key + D Show or hide desktop
Windows Key + E Open File Explorer
Windows Key + L Lock computer or switch user
Windows Key + R Open Run dialog box
Windows Key + X Open Quick Link menu in Windows
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