Soil Management MCQs

Which of the following is not a component of soil?
a) Minerals
b) Organic matter
c) Air
d) Water
Answer: c) Air

What is the primary function of soil management?
a) Controlling erosion
b) Enhancing soil fertility
c) Improving water infiltration
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

Which soil management practice involves the turning of soil to bury crop residues?
a) Mulching
b) No-till farming
c) Plowing
d) Composting
Answer: c) Plowing

Which nutrient is often lacking in sandy soils?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Organic matter
Answer: d) Organic matter

What does soil pH measure?
a) Soil fertility
b) Soil texture
c) Soil acidity or alkalinity
d) Soil organic matter content
Answer: c) Soil acidity or alkalinity

Which soil management technique involves the planting of different crops in a specific sequence?
a) Crop rotation
b) Intercropping
c) Strip cropping
d) Terracing
Answer: a) Crop rotation

Which practice helps to reduce soil erosion on steep slopes?
a) Contour plowing
b) Fertilizer application
c) Irrigation
d) Soil compaction
Answer: a) Contour plowing

What is the recommended method to determine soil moisture content?
a) Visual inspection
b) Soil compaction test
c) Tensiometer measurement
d) Soil color analysis
Answer: c) Tensiometer measurement

Which soil management practice involves adding organic materials to the soil?
a) Irrigation
b) Liming
c) Composting
d) Fallowing
Answer: c) Composting

Which type of soil is well-drained, retains moisture, and is fertile?
a) Sandy soil
b) Clay soil
c) Loam soil
d) Silt soil
Answer: c) Loam soil

Which soil management practice involves the addition of lime to reduce soil acidity?
a) Mulching
b) Liming
c) Composting
d) Fertilization
Answer: b) Liming

What is the term for the gradual breakdown of rocks into smaller particles by physical and chemical processes?
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Leaching
d) Compaction
Answer: a) Weathering

Which of the following practices helps to improve soil structure and water infiltration?
a) Overgrazing
b) Over-irrigation
c) Organic mulching
d) Heavy machinery usage
Answer: c) Organic mulching

Which nutrient is often deficient in soils with high pH levels?
a) Iron
b) Zinc
c) Calcium
d) Magnesium
Answer: b) Zinc

Which soil management technique involves the creation of raised beds with narrow furrows in between?
a) Terracing
b) Strip cropping
c) Ridge tillage
d) No-till farming
Answer: c) Ridge tillage

What is the process of water carrying dissolved substances downward through the soil called?
a) Erosion
b) Percolation
c) Leaching
d) Infiltration
Answer: c) Leaching

Which of the following is a sustainable practice that helps conserve soil and prevent erosion?
a) Over-fertilization
b) Monocropping
c) Crop rotation
d) Excessive tillage
Answer: c) Crop rotation

What is the recommended method to determine soil texture?
a) pH measurement
b) Organic matter analysis
c) Particle size analysis
d) Electrical conductivity measurement
Answer: c) Particle size analysis

Which soil management practice involves the application of fertilizers directly to the plant root zone?
a) Broadcasting
b) Topdressing
c) Side-dressing
d) Foliar feeding
Answer: c) Side-dressing

What is the term for the loss of the upper layer of soil through wind or water action?
a) Erosion
b) Leaching
c) Compaction
d) Salinization
Answer: a) Erosion

Which of the following is a method used to reduce soil compaction?
a) Over-irrigation
b) Overgrazing
c) Mulching
d) Deep tilling
Answer: c) Mulching

What is the term for the process of adding essential nutrients to the soil to improve plant growth?
a) Aeration
b) Composting
c) Fertilization
d) Soil sterilization
Answer: c) Fertilization

Which of the following is a common soil management practice to control weed growth?
a) Crop rotation
b) Terracing
c) Herbicide application
d) Soil erosion
Answer: c) Herbicide application

Which soil component is responsible for holding and releasing essential nutrients for plant uptake?
a) Air
b) Water
c) Minerals
d) Organic matter
Answer: d) Organic matter

Which soil management practice involves the use of a cover crop to protect and enrich the soil?
a) Contour plowing
b) Fallowing
c) Terracing
d) Green manuring
Answer: d) Green manuring

What is the process of breaking up compacted soil to improve its structure and drainage called?
a) Mulching
b) Tilling
c) Composting
d) Liming
Answer: b) Tilling

Which nutrient is often deficient in acidic soils?
a) Phosphorus
b) Potassium
c) Calcium
d) Nitrogen
Answer: c) Calcium

Which soil management technique involves the removal of the upper layer of soil to eliminate pests and diseases?
a) Soil sterilization
b) No-till farming
c) Intercropping
d) Strip cropping
Answer: a) Soil sterilization

Which of the following practices helps to reduce soil erosion on sloping land?
a) Surface runoff
b) Windbreak planting
c) Over-irrigation
d) Soil compaction
Answer: b) Windbreak planting

Which soil management practice involves the addition of beneficial microorganisms to enhance soil fertility?
a) Soil testing
b) Vermicomposting
c) Biofertilization
d) Soil pH adjustment
Answer: c) Biofertilization

Which of the following is a soil conservation practice that involves leaving the land uncultivated for a period of time?
a) Crop rotation
b) Terracing
c) Fertilization
d) Fallowing
Answer: d) Fallowing

What is the term for the process of breaking down organic matter into simpler compounds by microorganisms?
a) Leaching
b) Decomposition
c) Erosion
d) Salinization
Answer: b) Decomposition

Which soil management practice involves the removal of excess salts from the soil profile?
a) Liming
b) Mulching
c) Leaching
d) Fertilization
Answer: c) Leaching

Which of the following soil textures has the highest water-holding capacity?
a) Sandy soil
b) Clay soil
c) Loam soil
d) Silt soil
Answer: b) Clay soil

What is the term for the loss of soil fertility due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers?
a) Desertification
b) Salinization
c) Acidification
d) Nutrient depletion
Answer: d) Nutrient depletion

Which soil management technique involves the cultivation of two or more crops together in the same field?
a) Strip cropping
b) Intercropping
c) No-till farming
d) Terracing
Answer: b) Intercropping

Which nutrient is responsible for promoting strong root growth in plants?
a) Phosphorus
b) Nitrogen
c) Potassium
d) Calcium
Answer: a) Phosphorus

Which soil management practice involves the use of synthetic or organic materials to cover the soil surface?
a) Fertilization
b) Irrigation
c) Mulching
d) Plowing
Answer: c) Mulching

What is the recommended pH range for most agricultural crops?
a) pH 4-5
b) pH 6-7
c) pH 8-9
d) pH 10-11
Answer: b) pH 6-7

Which of the following is a common method used to control soil erosion on steep slopes?
a) Fertilizer application
b) Over-irrigation
c) Terracing
d) Strip cropping
Answer: c) Terracing

Which soil management practice involves the incorporation of crop residues into the soil?
a) Tillage
b) Irrigation
c) Organic mulching
d) Overgrazing
Answer: a) Tillage

What is the term for the ability of soil to hold and retain water?
a) Infiltration
b) Percolation
c) Water holding capacity
d) Water erosion
Answer: c) Water holding capacity

Which nutrient is primarily responsible for promoting leaf and stem growth in plants?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Calcium
Answer: a) Nitrogen

Which soil management technique involves the creation of small, leveled areas on steep slopes?
a) Strip cropping
b) Contour plowing
c) No-till farming
d) Fertilizer application
Answer: b) Contour plowing

What is the process of adding essential nutrients to the soil to address specific deficiencies called?
a) Soil testing
b) Fertilization
c) Crop rotation
d) Soil compaction
Answer: b) Fertilization

Which soil component plays a crucial role in providing plant roots with oxygen?
a) Air
b) Water
c) Minerals
d) Organic matter
Answer: a) Air

Which soil management practice involves the deliberate alteration of soil pH to suit the needs of specific crops?
a) Liming
b) Mulching
c) Erosion control
d) Irrigation
Answer: a) Liming

Which of the following practices helps to prevent nutrient runoff and protect water quality?
a) Over-irrigation
b) Overgrazing
c) Cover cropping
d) Soil compaction
Answer: c) Cover cropping

What is the process of soil particles sticking together to form aggregates called?
a) Erosion
b) Leaching
c) Compaction
d) Aggregation
Answer: d) Aggregation

Which soil management technique involves the use of crop residues or other materials to cover the soil surface?
a) Terracing
b) Strip cropping
c) No-till farming
d) Mulching
Answer: d) Mulching


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