parishy khan

Pedagogy MCQs for SST, CT and Teaching Exams

The more often a particular ability is used the ———- it becomes

A. more important

B. less important

C. stronger (Answer)

D. weaker

The conclusion of a deductive argument is————

A. certain (Answer)

B. experience

C. observation

D. probable

 The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called———–

A. Deductive Reasoning

B. Inductive Reasoning (Answer)

C. Qualitative Reasoning

D. Quantitative Reasoning

The person is influential communicator if:

A. He is a comedian characteristic

B. If his communication is very clear (Answer)

C. If he communicates in his mother tongue

D. If he has dramatic characteristic

Generally students like those teachers who

A. Dictate notes in the class

B. Remove the difficulties of the subject (Answer)

C. Reveal important Questions before examinations

D. Are self-disciplined

Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them

A. Differentiation

B. Motivation (Answer)

C. Integration

D. Learning

What type of class climate you would prefer

A. A well behaved class students speaking only when asked

B. An active class following the rules prescribed by you

B. A highly interactive and self disciplined class (Answer)

D. A quiet and highly attentive class

Developing new rules and principles on the basis of given facts and information in memory level is called———–

A. Association

B. Generalization (Answer)

C. Application

D. Assimilation

What should teacher do before teaching the lesson

A. He should tell the answers of the lessons first

B. Lesson should be read by a student C. He should point out the meaning of difficult words of the lesson, first

D. He should tell the main objectives of the lesson (Answer)

Which of the following is not the part of educational technology

A. Use of motivation techniques in the class

B. Construction of measuring instruments for evaluation of instructional outcomes

C. Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools (Answer)

D. Selection of suitable teaching strategies

Which of the following purposes is served by lesson plan

A. Psychological teaching is possible

B. Suitable learning environment can be created in the class

C. A teacher can stick to his content

D. All of the above (Answer)

 Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson

A. Demonstration

B. Questioning (Answer)

C. Narration

D. Lecture

Purpose of evaluative phase of teaching is:

A. To know to what extent objectives are realized

B. To know the shortcoming of the teacher

C. To know the effectiveness of strategies

D. All of the above (Answer)

Which is the best method of study of child behavior

A. Inspection method

B. Interview method

C. Practical method

D. Personal study method (Answer)

Attitude can:—————-

A. Be overt or covert both

B. Provide basic for individual differences

C. Be the measure of cultural differentiation

D. All of the above (Answer)

Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyses and compare date

A. Graphs (Answer)

B. Maps

C. Diagrams

D. Pictures

Evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized on the ground that:

A. No effort is made to integrate different teaching points

B. It is highly structured where teacher dominates over pupils

C. It does not take individual difference of pupils into account

D. All of the above (Answer)

Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be reduced by————

A. Assigning only one mark for the item

B. Increasing the items in two columns

C. Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items (Answer)

D. None of these

Guidance removes:————–

A. The personal problems of the individual

B. Psychological problems of the individual

C. The social problems of the individual

D. All of the above (Answer)

Three merits of proficiency test are————–

A. Approval, reliability and subjective (Answer)

B. Subjectivity, dexterity and approval

C. Approval, subjectivity and reliability

D. Approval, dexterity and objectivity

Guidance differs from counseling in which of the following manner

A. Guidance is a group process while counseling is a one to one contact

B. Guidance mostly covers social aspects while counseling is a learning oriented process and reduces the learning problems of the individual

C. Guidance is a broader concept than counseling

D. All of the above (Answer)

When a child responds to all women who wear black suit because of the black suit of her mother, it is the example of————-

A. Internal inhibition

B. Generalizations (Answer)

C. Assimilation

D. All of the above

What is meaning of growth

A. Change related to measurement

B. Change related to result

C. Both A. and B. (Answer)

D. None of these

The able teacher is one who:————

A. Inculcates the interest in the subject among students

B. Helps all the students in passing the examination

C. Engaged the students in their work (Answer)

D. Maintains peace in the class

Basic Education mean————–

A. System of education

B. Poor learning

C. Basic of any learning (Answer)

D. Minimum learning

A teacher must check his own unruly behavior because

A. Principal will take action

B. Students will not like it

C. Parents will complain

D. He is dealing with impressionable age (Answer)

When students begin learning with an activity designed to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions, the method of teaching is called————

A. Analytical teaching

B. Discovery teaching (Answer)

C. Invention teaching

D. None of these

Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation and recitation is also known as———–

A. Classical Instruction

B. Direct Instruction (Answer)

C. Old method Instruction

D. None of these

 ————is an approach whereby a teacher or counselor poses questions to the student to allow them to explore ideas that may be complex or emotionally difficult

A. Facilitative questioning (Answer)

B. Critical questioning

C. Explanatory questioning

D. None of these

Free writing is used as a timed activity to stimulate the flow of————

A. Ideas and words (Answer)

B. Talk

C. Discussions

D. Letters of the alphabet

A ———- is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the purpose of providing hands on experience with objects or people that only occur in certain places

A. Field work

B. Field Observations

C. Field walk

D. Field Trips (Answer)

When educators travel to the student’s location to provide instruction on topics of professional or personal interest. The mode of teaching becomes———–

A. Innovative Teaching

B. Moving Teaching

C. Travel Teaching

D. Extension Teaching (Answer)

——– is an organizing tool to help the students visualize how many events can be tied to or contribute to a result

A. Fishbone (Answer)

B. Fishpond

C. Backbone

D. None of these

When students are asked to prepare an analysis of critic all features of an object or concept, the strategy is termed as———-

A. Sequencing

B. Concept mapping

C. Characterization (Answer)

D. None of these

While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students, is a form of———–

A. Collaborative learning (Answer)

B. Collaborative project

C. Collaborative work

D. Collaborative effort

Chucking is a ————- technique

A. Ordering

B. Memorization (Answer)

C. Knowledge

D. None of these

The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching is remembered as———–

A. Conditions of knowledge

B. Conditions of behaviors

C. Conditions of learning (Answer)

D. None of these

When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as———–

A. Collective Notebook (Answer)

B. Collective work sample

C. Collective homework

D. None of these

Circles of learning were formulated by———-

A. Rogers

B. David Johnson

C. Roger and David Johnson (Answer)

D. None of these

———- can be useful in motivating some students to learn

A. Competitions (Answer)

B. Collisions

C. Compositions

D. None of these

A process of looking at what is being assessed is called———-

A. Assessment

B. Evaluation (Answer)

C. Measurement

D. Rubrics

Formative assessment is an assessment ———– learning

A. to

B. of

C. by

D. for (Answer)

An assessment use to identify difficulties in the learning process is called———

A. initial assessment

B. diagnostic assessment (Answer)

C. formative assessment

D. summative assessment

To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called———-

A. analyzing

B. evaluating

C. synthesizing (Answer)

D. originating

The most complex skill of Bloom’s taxonomy is————

A. characterizing

B. evaluating

C. synthesizing

D. originating (Answer)

The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are————

A. Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor (Answer)

B. Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psychomotor

C. Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogy

D. Pedagogy, Affective and Psychomotor

The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, “Academy”, was founded by———–

A. Socrates

B. Plato (Answer)

C. Aristotle

D. John Dewey Page

Pag The “Apology” the Plato’s recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with————

A. believing in the rotation of the Earth

B. not believing in the rotation of the Earth

C. believing in gods

D. not believing in gods (Answer

Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment

A. Observation

B. Project (Answer)

C. Rubrics

D. Participation

A student having scientific attitude———–

A. Becomes courageous

B. Gets goods job

C. Studies systematically

D. Thinks rationally (Answer)

Through which action children learn fast

A. Facial expression (Answer)

B. Walk

C. Study

D. Write

Projective techniques of measuring personality is superior to other techniques because:————

A. The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self (Answer)

B. Statistical analysis of the result is possible

C. They are easy to administer

D. None of these

Which of the following strategies is problem centered

A. Discovery

B. Heuristic

C. Project

D. All of the above (Answer)

Teacher should read other books also except course-books. What will be the benefit of it


A. They can use their best time

B. They will get satisfaction and teach well

C. Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well (Answer)

D. People will know him as best teacher due to his way of teaching

There are three main duties of a teacher, which are—————

A. Teaching, regulation and direction (Answer)

B. Teaching, creation of character and co-operation

C. Instruction, direction and training

D. Direction, skilled practice and regulation

Which of the following factors the classroom management

A. Disciplined and controlled behavior in classroom

B. Behavior of teacher with students

C. General administration and management of school

D. All of the above (Answer)

The students of class v make too much of noise in Math’s class. The probable reason of this could be that the teacher

A. Is not well versed in teaching methodology (Answer)

B. The children dislike the subject

C. Is not able to maintain discipline in the class

D. The children do not pay attention

True or false items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because

A. Chance of guessing on the part of examines is at highest probability

B. They generally inflate actual scores due to guessing or cheating

C. They do not require thorough study to attempt

D. All of the above (Answer)

Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method

A. Aristotle (Answer)

B. Plato

C. Socrates

D. Edward Thorndike

Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world of———–

A. ideas

B. experiences

C. observations

D. physical objects (Answer)

The philosopher who is called the father of Idealism is————-

A. Aristotle

B. Plato (Answer)

C. Socrates

D. Edward Thorndike

The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning was————-

A. Aristotle

B. Plato

C. Robert Sternberg

D. Edward Thorndike (Answer)

The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was———-

A. Aristotle (Answer)

B. Plato

C. Socrates

D. Edward Thorndike

Idealism is a philosophical approach that argues that ———-are the only true reality, and the only thing worth knowing.

A. ideas (Answer)

B. experiences

C. observations

D. physical objects

According to Edward Thorndike, learning is about responding to————–

A. analysis

B. change

C. experiment

D. stimuli (Answer)

The connection between stimulus and response is called————

A. stimulus-response bond (Answer)

B. receiving-accepting bond

C. stimulus-response paradigm

D. receiving-accepting paradigm

The ———- the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.

A. stable

B. unstable

C. stronger (Answer)

D. weaker

Anything that causes a reaction is called————–

A. learning

B. stimulus (Answer)

C. connectionism

D. physical objects

Which of the following techniques is used in educational surveys

A. Tests

B. Interview

C. Questionnaires

D. All of the above (Answer)

Which of the skills do you consider most essential for a teacher

A. To read out the text-book

B. To communicate well (Answer)

C. To use difficult language

D. To impress students

Condition necessary for micro teaching is———–

A. Controlled environment

B. Repeated manifestation of only one skill

C. Observation and criticism

D. All of the above (Answer)

In teaching-learning process which of the following things is done first

A. Task analysis (Answer)

B. Writing objectives

C. Determination of objectives

D. Determination of strategies

Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled for proper adjustment in the environment

A. Physical fitness and health

B. Social acceptability of the person

C. Free form psychological diseases

D. All of the above (Answer)

The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is———-

A. characterizing (Answer)

B. understanding

C. evaluating

D. synthesizing

Teaching by small steps and frequent short assignment techniques are useful for———-

A. Learning disabled

B. Slow learners

C. Educationally backward children

D. All of the above (Answer)

All round development means:

A. Developments of all the aspects of personality (Answer)

B. Shapely development of physique

C. All students should develop

D. One can take as many rounds as possible

For healthy arrangement of class room necessary thing is—————-

A. Ventilated class room

B. Sufficient light should be in the class

C. Appropriate seating arrangement in the class

D. All of the above (Answer)

A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called————

A. rubrics (Answer)

B. checklists

C. inventories

D. rating scales

The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called———–

A. extinction technique

B. satiation technique

C. time out technique (Answer)

D. corporal punishment

Which of the following is an important fear causing stimuli

A. Fear of failure in the examination

B. Fear of social situations like meeting with people in high offices , being lonely in the house

C. Fear of wild animals

D. All of the above (Answer)

According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are————-

A. synthetic, analytical, and practical (Answer)

B. analytical, observational and practical

C. analytical, critical and practical

D. abstract, synthetic and analytical

Plato argued that ———- are fit to rule

A. educationists and philosophers

B. only educationists

C. only philosophers (Answer)

D. only psychologists

The three laws of connectionism are the laws of————

A. effect, stimulus and response

B. stimulus, response and exercise

C. exercise, readiness and response

D. effect, exercise and readiness (Answer)

The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called————

A. Esthetics

B. Genetics

C. Gerontology (Answer)

D. Clinical psychology

Which of the following is an important anger arousing situation during adolescence

A. Biased attitude against them

B. Not getting the needs fulfilled

C. Unfair and insulting attitude towards them

D. All of the above (Answer)

One of the basic principles of socializing individuals is————

A. Education (Answer)

B. Caste

C. Imitation

D. Religion You wish to become a teacher, because: Get more holidays There is no compulsion to teach Less labor is involved in teaching Like to be a teacher (Answer)

The teacher wants students to practice by repetition of some learning content, he normally uses ———— method

A. Drill (Answer)

B. Recitation

C. Skill

D. None of these

  When the teacher is restating the information to show basic principles in the classroom, he is actually

A. Making diagrams

B. Pinpointing

C. Generalizing (Answer)

D. Criticizing

Providing temporary support and encouragement to students until help in no longer needed is called————-

A. Scaffolding (Answer)

B. Criticizing

C. Appreciating

D. None of these

——— are visual frameworks to help the learner make connections between concepts

A. Graphic representations

B. Graphic organizers (Answer)

C. Graphic charts

D. None of these

According to Socrates, physical objects and events are ———– of their ideal form

A. shadows (Answer)

B. images

C. parts

D. signs

When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use

A. lecture method (Answer)

B. inquiry-based method

C. cooperative method

D. assignment method

In your view, which one is the most important factor of teaching process

A. Teaching materials

B. Student

C. Teacher (Answer)

D. The environment of the class

In order to make memory level of teaching a success what should a teacher do

A. Logical sequence should be there in the presentation of subject matter

B. Recall and rehearsal of the learn material should be done at short intervals

C. Subject matter should be meaningful and interesting before presenting it to pupils

D. All of the above (Answer)

Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior

A. Praise (Answer)

B. Reward

C. Ignorance

D. Strictness

According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex

A. 16 (Answer)

B. 17

C. 18

D. 19

Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become ———- to occur again in that situation

A. not likely

B. equally likely

C. less likely

D. more likely (Answer)

Jean Piaget proposed ———– stages of Cognitive Development

A. 3

B. 4 (Answer)

C. 5

D. 6

 “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of———–

A. Aristotle (Answer)

B. Socrates

C. Plato

D. John Locke


Pedagogy MCQs for SST, CT and Teaching Exams Read More »

Current Affairs MCQ’s

As per Chief Justice of Pakistan information, —— policemen were assigned the security of non-entitled persons.

A. 6,000

B. 7,000 (Answer)

C. 8,000 D. 9,000

 —– death anniversary of Allama Iqbal was observed on April 21, 2018.

A. 79

B. 80 (Answer)

C. 81

D. 82

Balouch Culture Day 2018 was observed on:————

A: 4,610 (Answer)

B: 5,610

C: 6,610

D: 7,610

 —- police guards had been withdrawn from non-entitled persons in Punjab in light of a recent Supreme Court order.

A. 2nd january

B. 2nd February

C. 2nd March (Answer)

D. 2nd April 5.

In April 2018, the Pakistan High Commission issued visas to over how many Sikh devotees from India for the Baisakhi Festival

A. 1000

B. 2000 (Answer)

C. 3000

D. 4000

Who is the Current Education Minister of KPK

A. Shahram tarkai

B. Muzafar said

C. Atif khan (Answer)

D. Shah farman

How many Pakistani blue helmets have embraced martyrdom while serving under the UN umbrella.

A. 150

B. 156 (Answer)

C. 160

D. 165

How Many Pakistani peace keepers who laid down their lives for global peace and security were honoured with a medal at the annual memorial ceremony held at United Nations 

A. 5

B. 7 (Answer)

C. 9

D. 11

Name the Wrestler, who won first gold medal for Pakistan in the 86kg freestyle wrestling in Common Wealth Games 2018

A. Muhammad Inam Butt (Answer)

B. Muhammad Sajjad

C. Jansher khan

D. Samiullah Khan

Pakistan wins only 1 Gold Medal in Which Sports of Common Wealth Games 2018

A. Athletics

B. Wrestling (Answer)

C. Table tennis

D. Squash E. Boxing

Pakistan got ——- Position in Common Wealth Games 2018

A. 13th

B. 15th

C. 19th

D. 24th (Answer)

Pakistan Wins ——- Medals in Common Wealth Games 2018

A. 3

B. 5 (Answer)

C. 9

D. 15

Pakistan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 13 April,2018 signed two loan agreements worth ——— million in an effort to improve irrigation services and promote public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Punjab. A. $375 (Answer) B. $360 C. $355 D. $350 14. Bilawal Bhutto inaugurated the first Tharparkar Airport on 11th April 2018 named———–

A. Fatima Bibi Airpoet

B. Benazir Bhutto Airport

C. Maai Bakhtawar Airport (Answer)

D. Bibi Noreen Airport

Which country’s diplomat was briefly detained for killing a motorcyclist in a hit and run case on 7th April 2018? 16. As per commission report,how many flights have delayed or cancelled at Karachi and Islamabad airport in last three months

A. USA (Answer)

B. China

C. Japan

D. Russia

Who is the first woman candidate from FATA,who contested the general election for National assembly seat

A. 200

B. 250

C. 260 (Answer)

D. 300 17.

A. Ali begum

B. Badam Zari (Answer)

C. Shaista ikram

D. Nabiha junaid

Who is leading Pashtun tahafuz movement,demanding security for Pakistani ethnic pashtun minority

A. Abu bakar siddique

B. Manzoor Pashteen (Answer)

C. Said Alam

D. Ali Wazir

What is the Name of Pakistan’s first-ever school for transgender community, which is set to open in Lahore on 15th April 2018

A. The Gender Educator

B. The Gender Guardian (Answer)

C. The Gender Graduate

D. Transgender School

Pakistan’s First School for Transgender Community to Open in———– ON 15th April 2018

A. Peshawar

B. Islamabad

C. Lahore (Answer)

D. Karachi

Which country’s air chief has attended PAF passing out parade at Asghar Khan Academy on 13 April 2018 as chief guest

A. China (Answer)

B. Iran

C. S.Arabia


Name the Chief of General Staff (CGS) of UK Army, who Visited Pakistan on Two Days visit in April 2018

A. Gen Sir David Richards

B. Gen Sir Peter Wall

C. Gen Sir Nick Carter (Answer)

D. Gen Sir Richard Dannatt

CJP has ordered to place all PIA MDs on ECL,who served from ——–

A. 2000-2018

B. 2005-2018

C. 2006-2018

D. 2008-2018 (Answer)

Which local singer was gunned down in Larkana for declining dance request

A. Fozia soomro

B. Samina sindhu (Answer)

C. Abida parveen

D. Sanam Marvi

As per YouGov’s latest annual study 2018,Imran Khan is on which spot in the list of most admired man in the world

A. 15th

B. 18th

C. 20th (Answer)

D. 5th

As per YouGov’s latest annual study 2018,Malala Yousafzai is on which spot in the list of most admired woman in the world

A. 20th

B. 12th

C. 7th (Answer)

D. 5th

How many individuals of Pakistani origin have been featured on Forbes,the top american business magazine’s “30 under 30” list of 2018

A. 11

B. 10

C. 9 (Answer)

D. 8 27.


Which district of Pakistan will have Pakistan’s first super critical coal-fired plant

A. Dadu

B. Jamshoro (Answer)

C. Badin

D. Thatta

After winning ODI Series,Pakistan women cricket team has also won T20I Series against which country in March

A. Srilanka (Answer)

B. Bangladesh

C. India

D. Australia

Which famous politician has been disqualified for lifetime by SC

A. Nawaz Sharif

B. Jahangir Tareen

C. Both (Answer)

D. None

SC has issued a ban on politicians holding office after legal disqualification.This ban will be valid upto

A. 5 years

B. 10 years

C. Lifetime (Answer)

D. 1 year

Ayaz Sadique is the———Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan

A. 19th (Answer)

B. 20th

C. 21st

D. 22nd

On 6 April 2018——————- Ambassador German Alejandro Ortega Almeida has suggested that Pakistan could achieve better access to South American markets by developing close cooperation.

A. Ecuador (Answer)

B. Brazil

C. Colombia

D. Argentina

How many Pakistani Women are representing their homeland in the Commonwealth Games 2018

A. 5

B. 10 (Answer)

C. 15

D. 20

PM announces simplified income tax package, amnesty scheme for foreign assets on——–

A. 4 April 2018

B. 6 April 2018

C. 5 April 2018 (Answer)

D. 7 April 2018

Which Player becomes ICC’s top-ranked T20 batsman for the second time in April 2018

A. Shadab Khan

B. Babar Azam (Answer)

C. Shoaib Malik

D. Ahmed Shehzad

who won the 3 T20 international series 2018 between Pakistan and west Indies at Karachi

A. west Indies won by 2-1

B. Pakistan won by 2-1

C. the series is level 1-1

D. Pakistan won by 3-0 (Answer)

Which one is the country to use China based system made by BeiDou, GPS can help with urban planning, surveying and mapping environmental supervision, disaster relief efforts, traffic monitoring and other fields

A. Uruguay

B. Italy

C. Brazil

D. Pakistan (Answer)

How many wickets earned by Faheem Ashraf in PSL 2018:

A. 18 (Answer)

B. 19

C. 20

D. 21

Punjab Government approved construction of Dadhocha Dam in———.

A. Faisalabad

B. Mianwali

C. Rawalpindi (Answer)

D. Chinio

Chini The first British- Pakistani woman became the first ever Muslim and Asian Woman to be appointed as detective superintendent of Scotland Yard is————

A. Sajida Vandal

B. Musrat Hayat

C. Naheed Pasha

D. Shabnam Chaudri (Answer)

When NA passes Resolution against Imran Khan, Sheikh Rashid

A. January 18, 2018 (Answer)

B. January 17, 2018

C. January 19, 2018

D. January 20, 2018

The Punjab Government directed adminsitraion to remove plaques bearing names of Ministers, MNA’s, MPA’s and local leaders on development schemes installed since ———

A. 01 Jan 2018

B. 28 Feb 2018

C. 01 March 2018 (Answer)

D. 01 March 2017

Around —– billion m3 of gas would be transported from Karachi to Lahore per annum through North-South gas pipeline.

A. 10.4

B. 11.4

C. 12.4 (Answer)


The total length of North-South gas pipeline is———-

A. 1000 km

B. 900 km

C. 1100 km (Answer)

D. 1200 km

The GDP growth rate for the financial year 2016-17 was recorded as———–

A. 4.88 %

B. 5.28 % (Answer)

C. 5.35 %

D. 5.67 %

Youngest Nobel Prize laureate and education activist Malala Yousafzai set foot in Pakistan after———-

A. 9 years

B. 6 years

C. 5 years (Answer)

D. 4 years

Who is the Current CEO of Zong Network is———–(2018)

A. Dr. Fan YunJun

B. Liu Dianfeng (Answer)

C. Abdul Aziz

D. Mr. Rashid Khan

Who is the Current President of ICC is———–(2018)

A. Alan Issac

B. David Richardson

C. Zaheer Abbas (Answer)

D. Shashank Manohar

Malala yousafzai has visited Pakistan after how much time

A. 5 years

B. 4 years

C. 5.5 years (Answer)

D. 6 years

When malala yousafzai and her two friends were shot by a gunman,after returning from school of her hometown

A. 9 nov 2012

B. 9 Dec 2012

C. 9 oct 2012 (Answer)

D. 9 Sep 2012

Malala yousafzai has reached Pakistan on 29 March 2018 for —— day visit

A. Three

B. Five

C. Four (Answer)

D. Six Page

Which cricketer has been deported from dubai airport on 27 March 2018? A. Salman butt B. M.Asif (Answer) C. M.Amir D. Abdul Razzaq 54. Who has been appointed as vice chief of Air staff Pakistan

A. Rashid Ali

B. Arshad Malik (Answer)

C. Saqlain Ali

D. Abdul Jabbar

Who has suspended ECP order of removing Farooq Sattar as MQM-P conveyor


B. IHC (Answer)

C. Lahore high court

D. Sindh high court

As per chinese envoy,which part of Pakistan will be provided maximum benefits through CPEC

A. Lahore

B. GB (Answer)


D. Sindh

Which provincial goverment has okayed Rs 80m to establish 500 flats for police

A. Sindh goverment

B. Punjab goverment (Answer)

C. Kpk goverment

D. Balochistan goverment

Aitzaz ahsan has returned fine amount paid by CJP’s son to him.How much fine amount was paid by CJP’s son on the behalf of Aitzaz ahsan

A. 20k

B. 30k

C. 10k

D. 50k

As per record, ——– children have died in tharparkar district due to viral infection and malnutrition in March 2018

A. 50

B. 60

C. 47 (Answer)

D. 56

Which district of sindh is continiously facing viral infection and malnutrition claiming infant lives

A. Badin

B. Tharparkar (Answer)

C. Dadu

D. Ghotki

Who said ” I left swat with my eyes closed and now I am back with my eyes open” after her return to hometown

A. Kainat riaz

B. Malala yousafzai (Answer)

C. Shazia ramzan

D. Ziauddin yousafzai

Who welcomed WI cricket team at Quaid-e-azam international airport with traditional gifts on 31 march 2018

A. Murad ali shah

B. Sardar M.bux khan mahar (Answer) C. Najam sethi

D. Bilawal bhutt

Pakistan President announced a new medal on 23-March-2018

A. Tamgha-i-Shuja

B. Tamga-i-Azam (Answer)

C. Tamgha-i-Imtiaz


Pakistan Army launches android Base Game on 23-March-2018

A. Pak Army Sniper

B. Pakistan Armed

C. The Glorious Resolve (Answer)

D. Pakistan Army JAWAN

Which Province of Pakistan for the first time started the Public Facility and Solution of problems through District govt APP Citizen Portal

A. Punjab

B. Baluchistan

C. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Answer)

D. Sindh

All those people in the stands who would catch a six will be awarded equal share from the award of 1 crore RS as per policy of “Pepsi catch a crore”,How many spectators were lucky to have their name in the list of PSL-3

A. 10

B. 11

C. 12 (Answer)

D. 13

Which player had most ducks in PSL-3

A. Luke Ronchi

B. Kamran Akmal (Answer)

C. Shaheen Shah

D. M.Hafeez

Which player has hit most fifties in PSL-3

A. Luke Ronchi

B. Kamran Akmal

C. Babar Azam

D. All (Answer)

Which player has hit most Fours in PSL-3

A. Kamran Akmal

B. Luke Ronchi (Answer)

C. Babar Azam

D. JR Denly

Which player has hit most sixes in PSL-3

A. Luke Ronchi

B. Kamran Akmal (Answer)

C. SR Watson

D. DR Smith

Who was the only player to hit century in PSL-3

A. Luke Ronchi

B. Kamran Akmal (Answer)

C. Fakhar Zaman

D. Sohaib Maqsood

PSL-3 has been promoted on social media by which Hashtag

A. #HBLPSL 2018

B. #AbKhel6Ka

C. #DilSeJaanLagaDe

D. All of the above (Answer)

Each foreign cricketer who played PSL-3 play-off matches in Pakistan was paid extra US$——– for each of the match

A. 20 thousand

B. 5 thousand

C. 10 thousand (Answer)

D. 1 thousand

The tickets for final Match of PSL-3 was sold out within ——— hours

A. 5

B. 4

C. 3 (Answer)

D. 2

Who was the leading wicket taker in PSL-3

A. Faheem Ashraf

B. Wahab Riaz

C. Both (Answer)

D. N.O.T

New franchise that joined PSL-3 for the first time was ———

A. Quetta gladiators

B. Multan Sultan (Answer)

C. Lahore Qalandar

D. KArachi Kings

How many venues were utilized to Kick-off PSL-3 tournament

A. 3

B. 2

C. 4 (Answer)

D. 5

How many matches were played in PSL-3

A. 35

B. 36

C. 34 (Answer)

D. 32

Who was awarded as the “Safe hands in field” award of PSL-3

A. Kamran Akmal

B. JP Duminy (Answer)

C. Luke Ronchi

D. M.Hafeez

Who was awarded as the “Player of the Tournament” of PSL-3

A. Kamran Akmal

B. Luke Ronchi (Answer)

C. Shadab Khan

D. Wahab Riaz

Who was awarded as the “Best Batsman” of PSL-3

A. Luke Ronchi

B. Kamran Akmal (Answer)

C. Babar Azam

D. Kumar Sangakkara

Who was awarded as the “Best Umpire” of PSL-3

A. Aleem Dar

B. Rashid Riaz (Answer)

C. Shozab Raza

D. Richard Illingworth

Who was awarded as the “best bowler” of PSL-3

A. Hassan Ali

B. Faheem Ashraf (Answer)

C. Wahab Riaz

D. Chris Jordan

Who was awarded as the best Wicket-Keeper in PSL-3

A. Kamran Akmal

B. Kumar Sangakkara (Answer)

C. Luke Ronchi

D. Tim Paine

Which player was the Man of the Match in PSL-3 final

A. Asif Ali

B. Luke Ronchi (Answer)

C. Sahibzada Farhan

D. Shadab Khan

Mosques of capital are limited to deliver Friday sermon on how many selected topics by capital administration

A. 40

B. 45

C. 35 (Answer)

D. 24

Who has acquitted 20 suspects allegedly involved in lynching incident of 2014,wherein a christian couple was buried alive by a mob


B. Anti terrorism court (Answer)


D. Lahore high court

Who has paid fine of 10 thousand RS imposed on Aitzaz Ahsan for not appearing in a case by SC,after Aitzaz Ahsan refused to pay it

A. Jam Khan Shoro

B. CJP’s Son (Answer)


D. Bilawal bhutto zardari

Karachi has hosted PSL-3 final on 25 March 2018,before this match Karachi has not staged a high-profile fixture of international standing since ——–

A. 2010

B. 2011

C. 2012

D. 2009 (Answer)

Psl third edition Final Match was played in which Stadium

A. Gaddafi stadium

B. National Stadium (Answer)

C. Arbab Niaz Stadium

D. Jinnah Stadium

Which team has won PSL title twice

A. Peshawar zalmi

B. Islamabad united (Answer)

C. Quetta gladiators

D. Lahore qalandars

Which team has won third edition of PSL

A. Peshawar zalmi

B. Islamabad united (Answer)

C. Karachi kings

D. Quetta gladiators

After how many Years International Cricket Players played in Karachi

A. 7 years

B. 8 Years

C. 9 Years (Answer)

D. 10 Years

How many Pakistani entities has been added by USA to sanctions list, that are subjected to stringent export control measures

A. 8

B. 9

C. 7 (Answer)

D. 10

Who has ordered private medical colleges to refund the fee received in excess of Rs 850,000 to students within one month


B. Supreme Court (Answer)

C. Peshawar high court

D. Sindh high court

Approximately how many nations marked earth hour 2018 including Pakistan(Answer)

A. 120

B. 150

C. 185 (Answer)

D. 200

Between what time earth hour was celebrated in Pakistan on 24th March 2018

A. 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

B. 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

C. 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM (Answer)

D. 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM

diplomats from different countries

A. Bangkok

B. London (Answer)

C. Beijing

D. Dubai

In which city Pakistan’s high commission organized Pakistan’s day event,which was attended by more than 80 100. Which country has announced it’s support for UNESCO’s Girl’s right to education programme in Pakistan

A. S.Korea (Answer)

B. N.Korea

C. China

D. Germany




Current Affairs MCQ’s Read More »

English MCQs with Answers

Would you mind ———- a picture with you

A. take

B. to take

C. taking (Answer)

E. taken

My brother was trembling ——– cold.

A. from

B. with (Answer)

C. of

D. by

Can you switch off ——– television ‘ please

A. a

B. an

C. the (Answer)

D. none

Thank you. That was —— very nice dinner.

A. an

B. a (Answer)

C. the

D. none

I am now quite————–and hearty.

A. Hail

B. Hale (Answer)

C. Hell

D. Hall

Who is known as the Poet of Nature

A. William Black

B. William Shakespeare

C. William Wordsworth (Answer)

D. William Butler Yeats

Synonym of Ridiculous is ————————–

A. silly (Answer)

B. Glorious

C. Frivolous

D. None of these

Submitted by: SHAKIL KAMBOH8. Synonym of Stunning is ———————-—-

A. Magician

B. Beautiful (Answer)

C. Vain

D. None of these

Prime Minister has arrived ——– London.

A. at

B. to

C. in (Answer)

D. from

E. none

 He tried to park his car but ———- space wasn’t big enough.

A. a

B. an

C. the (Answer)

D. none

The Synonym of “Diligent” is——————–

A. Hardworking (Answer)

B. Witty

C. Deliberate

D. Lazy

I did not ——– to university yesterday.

A. went

B. go (Answer)

C. gone

D. going

 He is now ashamed ——– his conduct.

A. from

B. with

C. of (Answer)

D. by

E. at

He always comes ———- home late.

A. to

B. at

C. Both A & B

D. None of above

 I ———— lie from now on.

A. don’t

B. didn’t

C. haven’t

D. won’t (Answer)

E. hadn’t

I am shy ———- my teacher.

A. with

B. from

C. of (Answer)

D. to

E. none

——– you call your friend yesterday

A. Have

B. Had

C. Will.

D. Did (Answer)

E. Do

She turned heads wherever she went. What does the idiom/phrase “turn heads” mean

A. too pleased

B. get angry

C. attract a lot of attention (Answer)

D. not knowing what to say

E. get acquainted

I looked ——– you at the party ‘ but I didn’t see you.

A. to

B. at

C. for (Answer)

D. on

E. none

 I am not acquainted ——– her father.

A. of

B. from

C. with (Answer)

D. to

E. at

 I saw you dancing ———- party.

A. at

B. at a

C. at the (Answer)

D. in

E. in the

I told the tailor to put red buttons ———- the dress he is making for me.

A. in

B. at

C. on (Answer)

D. over

E. none

Either Sana or her friends ———— present there.

A. was

B. were (Answer)

C. is

D. none

We often watch ——– television.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. none

We congratulate you ——– your achievement.

A. for

B. to

C. on (Answer)

D. at

E. by

My friend is a couch potato. What does the idiom/phrase “couch potato” means

A. active person

B. busy person

C. lazy person (Answer)

D. angry person

Passive voice of “They broke up the table for firewood” is ——————————————

A. The table broke up for firewood by them.

B. The table has broken up for firewood by them.

C. The table had broken up for firewood by them.

D. The table was broken up for firewood by them.

Sana! Please ———— a tea 

A. Taken

B. Drank

C. Have (Answer)

D. Put

He is worried ———- his future.

A. for

B. of

C. about (Answer)

D. from

E. with

She is interested ———- drawing and painting.

A. of

B. at

C. in (Answer)

D. with

E. on

Please do not get angry —- me.

A. with (Answer)

B. on

C. at

D. towards

— the night mysterious creatures prowl.

A. in (Answer)

B. at

C. on

D. along

You should not jest ———— his poverty.

A. on

B. with

C. at (Answer)

D. of

Sana is not known ———— me.

A. to (Answer)

B. on

C. at

D. with

 I am proud ———— my brother.

A. with

B. of (Answer)

C. to

D. at

E. on

Head is covered ——– hair.

A. of

B. with (Answer)

C. at

D. by

E. from

The weather was —————— the exceptionally poor harvest.

A. accused of

B. blamed for (Answer)

C. found fault with for

D. condemned for

 Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car ——– this

A. with

B. on

C. by

D. for

 When the meeting had finished ‘ they went ———- the plan once again.

A. down

B. on

C. up

D. over

oveI don’t see any ———- in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.

A. aim

B. reason

C. cause

D. point

She is teaching two classes and is examining at a literature exam tomorrow. ————– ‘ she is chairing a meeting at Islamabad.

A. at the top of it

B. on the top of it

C. on top of it

D. at top

They are anxious ———— his health.

A. for

B. at

C. about (Answer)

D. on

There is still no cure ———- AIDS.

A. of

B. to

C. for (Answer)

D. with

Synonym of “blissful” is ——————

A. maudlin

B. dour

C. beatific (Answer)

D. moot

E. modish

Synonym of “celibate” is ——————

A. single (Answer)

B. double

C. married

D. bald E. hypocritical

Synonym of “homogenous” is ——————

A. heterogeneous

B. motley

C. scrambled

D. different E. similar

Synonym of “garrulous” is ——————

A. laconic

B. strangling

C. ecstatic (Answer)

D. frozen

E. wordy

 Synonym of “vestige” is ——————

A. clothing

B. trace (Answer)

C. under-garment

D. hallway

E. hope

Synonym of “mores” is ——————

A. morals

B. customs (Answer)

C. taxes

D. fiscal year

E. swamp

Synonym of “pelt” is —————–

A. to throw things at (Answer)

B. touch softly

C. place in layers

D. remove from

Synonym of “sumptuous” is ——————

A. swampy

B. irritable

C. meagre

D. fancy

E. lavish

Synonym of “ captious” is ——————

A. prominent

B. carping (Answer)

C. critical

D. caustic

E. epigrammatic

Synonym of “indigence” is ——————

A. nativity

B. tolerance

C. gossiping

D. poverty (Answer)

E. eating

Synonym of “incorrigible” is ——————

A. commendable

B. incorruptible

C. unchangeable (Answer)

D. overbearing

Synonym of “intractable” is ——————

A. hard to manage (Answer)

B. barbaric

C. flawless

D. elusive

Synonym of “patois” is ——————

A. glib talk

B. slang

C. computer language

D. local dialect

Synonym of “bifurcate” is ——————

A. to fork or divide (Answer)

B. belch

C. think meditatively

D. explain at length

Synonym of “syllogism” is ——————

A. harmony

B. word division

C. sensible observation

D. reasoning method

Synonym of “countenance” is ——————

A. opposition

B. proper conduct

C. agreeable quality

D. facial expression

Synonym of “pastime” is ——————

A. antiquity

B. memory

C. recreation (Answer)

D. tardiness

Synonym of “ineluctable” is ——————

A. subtle

B. inevitable (Answer)

C. incapable

D. insoluble

Synonym of “subterranean” is ——————

A. underground (Answer)

B. stealthy

C. built up

D. cavernous

Synonym of “infinite” is ——————

A. verbal

B. indefinite

C. endless (Answer)

D. strange

E. vague

Synonym of “fastidious” is ——————

A. speedy

B. precise

C. squeamish (Answer)

D. hungry

E. slow

Synonym of “demise” is ——————

A. residence

B. dismissal

C. accident

D. act

E. death

Synonym of “filch” is ——————

A. pretend

B. dirty

C. embarrass

D. steal (Answer)

E. honor

Synonym of “disconcert” is ——————

A. sing in harmony

B. pretend

C. cancel program

D. confuse (Answer)

E. interrupt

Synonym of “virago” is ——————

A. bacillus

B. chastity

C. shrew (Answer)

D. wanton

E. tirade

Synonym of “persiflage” is ——————

A. banter (Answer)

B. oppression

C. sarcasm

D. bigotry

E. simile

Synonym of “loquacious” is ——————

A. situated

B. gregarious

C. taciturn

D. antisocial

E. garrulous

Synonym of “tractable” is ——————

A. practicable

B. amenable (Answer)

C. indisposed

D. critical

E. artistic

Synonym of “saturnine” is ——————

A. planetary

B. gloomy (Answer)

C. astronomic

D. hopeful

E. temperate

Synonym of “vindictive” is ——————

A. revengeful (Answer)

B. triumphant

C. strategic

D. demonstrative

E. bigoted

Synonym of “frustration” is ——————

A. satiety

B. facility

C. thwart (Answer)

D. nostalgia

E. lethargy

Synonym of “phlegmatic” is ——————

A. stolid (Answer)

B. respiratory

C. animated

D. pneumatic

E. aroused

Synonym of “punctilious” is ——————

A. scrupulous (Answer)

B. varied

C. ready

D. prompt

E. vicarious

Synonym of “frugality” is ——————

A. extravagance

B. ripening

C. thrift (Answer)

D. resentment

E. miserliness

Synonym of “unequaled” is ——————

A. outstanding (Answer)

B. different

C. praised

D. unique

E. strange

Synonym of “adversity” is ——————

A. opponent

B. hardship (Answer)

C. opening

D. public announcement

E. agency

Synonym of “wraith” is ——————

A. apparition (Answer)

B. garland

C. Christmas decoration

D. excitement

Synonym of “disparity” is ——————

A. argumentation

B. difference (Answer)

C. belittlement

D. harmony

E. discord

Synonym of “variegate” is ——————

A. set type

B. multi-color (Answer)

C. differ

D. reject

E. reply-in-kind

Synonym of “prognosis” is ——————

A. scheme

B. forecast (Answer)

C. preface

D. identification of a disease

Synonym of “chagrin” is ——————

A. chin

B. mortification (Answer)

C. elation

D. intuition

E. chamber

Synonym of “reticence” is ——————

A. reserve (Answer)

B. retention

C. regret

D. brazenness

E. hostility

Synonym of “cynosure” is ——————

A. obscurity

B. center of attention (Answer)

C. certainty

D. clown

Synonym of “tenable” is ——————

A. experimental

B. long lasting

C. flimsy

D. defensible

Synonym of “paroxysm” is ——————

A. spasm (Answer)

B. furor

C. paralysis

D. fear

Synonym of “incommunicado” is ——————

A. close-mouthed

B. disguised

C. irreconcilable

D. without means of communication

Synonym of “wrangler” is ——————

A. lawman

B. cowboy (Answer)

C. inventor

D. arbitrator

Synonym of “quorum” is ——————

A. public meeting

B. all the participants

C. necessary number of members (Answer)

D. document

Synonym of “vapid” is ——————

A. steamy

B. helter skelter

C. lively

D. boring

Synonym of “senescent” is ——————

A. sensitive

B. ageing (Answer)

C. sleepy

D. sweet smelling

Synonym of “broach” is ——————

A. to decorate

B. bridge

C. offend

D. introduce

Synonym of “legion” is ——————

A. distance

B. rampage

C. multitude (Answer)

D. motto

Synonym of “decorous” is ——————

A. adorned

B. ugly

C. insane

D. proper (Answer)

E. childish

Synonym of “pedagogue” is ——————

A. demagogue

B. peddler

C. bicyclist

D. teacher (Answer)

E. pupil

Synonym of “staid” is ——————

A. weary

B. remaining

C. sedate (Answer)

D. afraid

E. unkempt

Synonym of “chasten” is ——————

A. discipline (Answer)

B. pursue

C. sanctify

D. stop E. start

Synonym of “reclusive” is ——————

A. snobbish

B. scholarly

C. silent (Answer)

D. hermit-


English MCQs with Answers Read More »

General knowledge MCQs for competitive exams

Pakistan‟s standard time equivalent to 

A. GMT+2

B. GMT+5 (Answer)

C. GMT+6

D. GMT+9

What is Siachen

A. Lake

B. River

C. Glacier (Answer)

D. Desert

Democracy Wall is located in————



C. Japan

D.China (Answer)

10 Downing Street is the official Residence of————

A. French PM


C. British PM (Answer)

D. Queen of England

Habib Bourguiba declared independence of Tunisia from France in——–

A. 1953

B. 1956 (Answer)

C. 1959

D. 1962

Grameen Bank a pioneer in the field of micro finance was the brainchild of———

A. Dr. Riaz Rehman

B. Pro.Abdul Salam

C. Prof.Muhammad Younas (Answer)

D. Muhammad Salman Rashad

Currency of France is————

A. Dollar

B. Riyal

C. Pound

D.Euro (Answer)

On which island of French, Napoleon was born

A. Saint Helena

B. Corsica (Answer)

C. Elba

D. None of these

The European Renaissance started from which country

A. England

B. Greece

C. Italy (Answer)

D. Germany

In which year, Alexander the Great become the king of Macedonia

A. 336Bc (Answer)

B. 326 Bc

C. 236 Bc

D. None of these

How many Hundred Years Old City found in Iraq

A. 40

B. 30

C. 20 (Answer)

D. 50

International Monkey Day celebrated on ———-December

A. 14th (Answer)

B. 16th

C. 18th

D. 20th

International Tea Day is observed on——-December

A. 10th

B. 12th

C. 15th (Answer)

D. 20th

International Human Solidarity Day celebrated on —— December

A. 22nd

B. 21st

C. 20th (Answer)

D. 18th

Which of these plants open its mouth when insect sit on its lid

A. Sunflower

B. Pitcher plant (Answer).

C. Brassica Plant

D. None of these

Which one is World‟s Largest Land Locked Country

A. Afghanistan

B. Kazakhstan (Answer)

C. Mongolia

D. Nepal

Which city is called the city of mosques (Masjid)

A. Peshawar

B. Lahore

C. Dhaka (Answer)

D. Delhi

Name of US president who was a film actor

A. Richard Nixon

B. Jimmy Cartor

C. Ronald Reagan (Answer)

D. London B. Jonson

The largest state of the USA by area is————

A. Alaska (Answer)

B. New Jersey

C. New York

D. Hawaii

The author of the Novel “Godfather” is————

A. Pro.Muhammad Younas

B. Mario Puzo (Answer)

C. Mohsin Hamid

D. W. E.Hunter

The world‟s biggest diamond producer is————

A. China

B. South Africa

C. Russia (Answer)

D. Canada

First woman Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir is————

A. Shama Khalid

B. Anousha Rehman

C. Mehbooba Mufti (Answer)

D. Sashma Suraaj

“Fire and Fury” Inside the Trump White House is written by General Knowledge

A. Carl Bernstein

B. Christiane Amanpour

C. Michael Wolff (Answer)

D. Bob Woodward

Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar was buried in which of the following city

A. Delhi

B. Landon

C. Jerusalem (Answer)

D. Bombay

Which pair has won cricket world cup for Pakistan

A. Waseem and inzam ul haq

B. sahid Afridi and younis khan

C. Imran Khan and younis khan (Answer)

D. ramiz raja and waqar younis

The presidency of Abraham Lincoln began on ————,when he was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States

A. March 4, 1862

B. March 4, 1861 (Answer)

C. March 4, 1863

D. March 4, 1860

The ball point pen was invited by———

A. Chester Carlson

B. Petrache Poenaru

C. Johannes Gutenberg

D.Laszlo Biro (Answer)

„History of Wolves‟ book was written by:

A. Angie Thomas

B. Aysha jalal

C. Emily Fridlund (Answer)

D. Margaret Wilkerson

Sexton Mice Pence is the——— Vice President of America

A. 40th

B. 44th

C. 48th (Answer)

D. 49th „Guernica

‟ the world famous painting was painted by———

A. Leonardo de Vinci

B. Van Gogh

C. Picasso (Answer)

D. Michael

Zurich is an important city of which country

A. Germany

B. Italy

C. Switzerland (Answer)

D. London

Garuda is the airline of which country

A. Germany

B. Indonesia (Answer)

C. France

D. Russia

Interfax is the news agency of———

A. London

B. Russia (Answer)

C. South Africa

D. France

Duma is the name of the Assembly of————-

A. Germany

B. Japan

C. Russia (Answer)

D. Gambia

Nelson Mandela received the Nobel peace prize in 1993 together with another South African leader, what was his name

A. Oliver Tambo

B. Frederick de klerk (Answer)

C. P.W Botha

D. Desmond Tut Ernesto

”Che”Guevara was a famous revolutionary guerrilla fighter to which country did he belong

A. Bolivia

B. Argentina (Answer)


D. Cuba

Almeira city situated in which country.

A. Malaysia

B. Russia

C. Spain (Answer)

D. Iran

The 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit was held in————

A. Bangkok, Thailand

B. Danang, Vietnam (Answer)

C. Bogor, Indonesia

D. Beijing, China

1992 world cup final was played in————-

A. Melbourne (Answer)

B. Sydeny

C. Wales

D. sharja

The Famous book “Gulliver‟s Travel” was written by————-

A. Jonathan Swift (Answer)

B. Thomas Hardy

C. Charles Dickens

D. William Shakespeare

FCR stands for————-

A. Fata commission Report

B. Frontier Commission Regulations

C. Frontier Crimes Regulations (Answer)

D. Frontier Common Records

“The Importance of Being Earnest” is written by————-

A. Mohsin Hamid

B. John Donne

C. Oscar Wilde (Answer)

D. Eugene O,neill

Where is Red Square situated

A. New York

B. China

C. Moscow (Answer)

D. Turkey

Which King died while playing polo

A. Sher Shah Suri

B. Humayun

C. Qutb-ud-din Aibak (Answer)

D. Aurangzeb Mughal

Emperor Hamayun died from———

A. Excessive alcohol drinking

B. Cholera

C. Battlefield

D.Fall from library stairs (Answer)

MIT is the spy agency of———-

A. Russia

B. japan

C. North korea

D.Turkey (Answer)

America have———states

A. 50 (Answer)

B. 52

C. 54

D. 55

Who founded All India National Congress

A. Nehru

B. Gandhi

C. Allan Octavian Hume (Answer)

D. Quid-e-Azam MA Jinnah

Which country is known as cockpit of Europe

A. Spain

B. Belgium (Answer)

C. Italy

D. England

Which of the following country is known as Land of Tulips

A. Germany

B. Italy

C. Holland (Answer)

D. Spain

Which city is called city of seven hills

A. Milan

B. Madrid

C. Paris

D.Rome (Answer)

Which country is known as Pearl of East

A. Bhuttan

B. Nepal

C. Srilanka (Answer)

D. Bangladesh

When international Olympic committee IPC established

A. 1894 (Answer)

B. 1890 C. 1916

D. 1896

According to UN 2017 report there are ———million international migrants today

A. 198 million

B. 228 million

C. 258 million (Answer)

D. 300 million

Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada served as the Secretary General of the OIC during ————

A. 1973-1977

B. 1985-1988 (Answer)

C. 1988-1991

D. 1996-2002

Jezira Haft Talar is another name of ————

A. Churna Island

B. Astola Island (Answer)

C. Mana Island

D. Bundal Island

Takla Makan Desert is Located in which country

A. China (Answer)

B. India

C. Iran

D. Chile

The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials

A. Britain

B. Japan (Answer)

C. Poland

D. Germany

Dar es Salaam was former capital of———-

A. Tanzania (Answer)

B. Nepal

C. Albania

D. Egypt

The Largest producer of solar energy in the world is———




D.CHINA (Answer)

When Wrestling Introduced In Olympics Games ———

A. 1900

B. 1904 (Answer)

C. 1906

D. 1908

During which era Nelson Mandela remained the president of South Africa

A. 1994 to 1999 (Answer)

B. 1990 to 1995

C. 2000 to 2005

D. 1996 to 2001

PIA Stands For————-

A. Punjab Air Lines

B. Pakistan International Airlines (Answer)

C. Poland International Airlines

D. Portugal International Airlines

How many double centuries Rohit Sharma made in one day international cricket

A. 2

B. 3 (Answer)

C. 4

D. 5

Who secured Three ODI double hundreds and the highest score in ODI cricket

A. Virat Kholi

B. Shahid Afridi

C. Rohit Sharma (Answer)

D. MS Dhoni

The First ever edition of the T10 Cricket League 2017 will be played in ———

A. Ajmaan

B. Dubai

C. Karachi

D.Sharjah (Answer)

The currency of Chile is ———

A. Dram

B. Peso (Answer)

C. Dollar

D. Dinar

What is the Capital of Taiwan

A. Hong Kong

B. Taipei (Answer)

C. Shanghai

D. Berlin Former

Egypt President Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for almost———years

A. 20

B. 24

C. 26

D.30 (Answer)

WAFA is the News Agency of———

A. Syria

B. Palestine (Answer)

C. Iran

D. Indonesia

Highest Dam in world is 

A. Hirakud Dam on the river Mahanadi-Orissa

B. Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej

C. The Grande(Switzerland) (Answer)

D. none of these Saudi Arabia

kingdom founded in————-

A. 23 September 1937

B. 23 September 1932 (Answer)

C. 23 September 1946

D. None of these

Zimbabwe officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in———

A. southern Africa (Answer)

B. Northern Africa

C. Africa

D. America

Which is the world‟s most spoken language

A. English

B. Arabic

C. Chinese (Answer)

D. Urdu

Which Country Team Fail to reach out World Cup for the first time in 60 years

A. Brazil

B. Italy (Answer)

C. Sweden

D. Mexico

How long has Robert Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe

A. 33

B. 37 (Answer)

C. 41

D. None of the Above.

The Nobel Prize has been awarded in ———- fields.

A. 5

B. 6 (Answer)

C. 7

D. 8

The Famous Painting „Mona Lisa‟ was the creation of————-

A. Michael-Angelo

B. Leonardo-Da-Vinci (Answer)

C. Picasso

D. Van

Gogh The Govt of the people, by the people, for the people is called———-

A. Democracy (Answer)

B. Autocracy

C. Kingdom

D. Dictatorship

How many languages and dialects are spoken by people all over the world

A. 6000

B. 4000

C. 9000 (Answer)

D. 5000

“Shah-jo-Risalo” a famous book of Shah Abdul Latif was first published in which city

A. Leipzig (Answer)

B. Geneva

C. London

D. Rome

The largest fresh water lake of Africa by area is ———-

A. lake Victoria (Answer)

B. Lake Superior

C. Lake Tanganyika

D. Lake Edward



General knowledge MCQs for competitive exams Read More »

World GK MCQs

The SAPTA(South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement) signed on 11 April————-

A. 1993 (Answer)

B. 1994

C. 2004

D. 2006

Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India———-

A. President (Answer)

B. prime minister

C. chief justice

D. Parliament

A vent in the Earth‟s surface that emits steam and gases, essentially associated with volcanic regions is known as ——

A. Fumarole (Answer)

B. Mesa

C. Munatak

D. Moraines

Basin is a low land area. Which are the largest basins in the face of the earth

A. Seas

B. Oceans

C. Rivers (Answer)

D. None of the above

China‟s ————— space station mostly burns up on re-entry over South Pacific.

A. Tianhe

B. Tianzhou

C. Tiangong 1 (Answer)

D. Xuntian

The areas of grassland totally without trees in South America especially around the estuary of the River Plate are called ———

A. Savanna

B. Pampas (Answer)

C. Loess

D. None of the above

The mixture of silt, sand, and gravel deposited by flowing water such as rivers and streams is called ——-

A. Sediment

B. Loess

C. Alluvium (Answer)

D. All of the above

The Empire State Building is located in—————.

A. London

B. Birmingham

C. Paris

D.New York City (Answer)

The Band-e- Amir National Park is located in————.

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Afghanistan (Answer)

D. Kuwait

Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called ————

A. Stream

B. Fall

C. Spring (Answer)

D. Lake

What is the name given to areas of land in the higher latitudes where short, cool summers do not permit trees to grow

A. Arctic

B. Tropical

C. Savanna

D.Tundra (Answer)

Which is the thinnest earth layer

A. Core

B. Mantle

C. Crust (Answer)

D. None of the above

The fine yellowish dust or silt spread and deposited by the winds, that is very fertile is called —

A. Alluvium

B. Loess (Answer)

C. Sediment

D. None of the above

The part of desert where adequate water is available for cultivation is called ———

A. Oasis (Answer)

B. Marsh

C. Island

D. Isthmus

Cetology is the study of—————

A. Whales and Dolphins (Answer)

B. seas and Oceans

C. Mountains

D. Deserts

Geoponics is the study of—————

A. Agriculture (Answer)

B. Fields

C. Soil

D. Earth Crust

Noology is the study of —————

A. Knowledge (Answer)

B. Coins

C. Nights

D. Islands

The famous painting „Mona Lisa‟ is displaced at the museum of ————-

A. Rome

B. Paris (Answer)

C. London

D. New York

The statesman, politician, scholar, inventor, and one of early presidents of USA invented the swivel chair, the spherical sundial, the moldboard plow, and the cipher wheel was———

A. George Washington

B. Alexander Hamilton

C. Thomas Jefferson (Answer)

D. John Adams

The Capital of Mongolia is———

A. Riga

B. Mangool

C. Ulaanbaatar (Answer)

D. Lujabe

Kiribati became independent from the United Kingdom in————

A. 1959 B. 1969

C. 1979 (Answer)

D. 1989

Which is the first public university in the World to accept fee in digital currency

Bitcoin (an online currency and payment system.

A. Cumbria University, UK (Answer)

B. University of Wisconcin-madison, US

C. University of Toronto, Canada

D. University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The UN has——————additional/regional headquarters districts.

A. Two

B. Three (Answer)

C. Four

D. Five

Durand Cup is associated with the game of—————

A. Football (Answer)

B. Squash

C. Volleyball

D. Table Tennis

Gulf Cooperation Council was established in———

A. 1980

B. 1981 (Answer)

C. 1982

D. 1983

The G-20 was established in————

A. 1998

B. 1999 (Answer)

C. 2000

D. 2003

Where is the permanent Secretariat of G-20 ————

A. Sydney

B. New York city

C. London

D.No permanent secretariat (Answer)

The G-15 was established in the———— Non-Aligned Movement summit in Belgrade in 1989.

A. Seventh

B. Eighth

C. Ninth (Answer)

D. Tenth

Organisation of American States (OAS) was established in —————

A. 1945

B. 1947

C. 1948 (Answer)

D. 1949

“Evening Light” was the failed operation of————

A. U.S (Answer)

B. Saudi Arab

C. India

D. Pakistan

“Operation Pluto” was planned by———-

A. U.S (Answer)

B. Italy

C. Russia

D. Sri Lanka

Noble Eagle is——

A. The US military operations (Answer)

B. UN military peaceful operations

C. NATO operation in Vietnam

D. The U.S and U.K airstrikes in Syria

“Black Tornado operation” happened in ———- 

A. Pakistan

B. India (Answer)

C. Sri Lanka

D. Myanmar

“Operation Riviresa ” was a combined military operation launched by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces in Jaffna. Riviresa means———

A. Sun rays (Answer)

B. Path to salvation

C. Right Path

D. Sparking

Light World Autism Awareness Day is observed on which date——

A. 2 April (Answer)

B. 2 March

C. 19 June

D. second Tuesday of October

In which country was the world‟s first Android newscasters, Kodomoroid unveiled ———

A. South Korea

B. China

C. Vietnam

D.Japan (Answer)

Which country passed a law to legalise child labour for kids from age of 10 on 18 July 2014 ————-

A. Bolivia (Answer)

B. China

C. Spain

D. Taiwan

What is the name of the world‟s solar power plane ——-

A. Solar Impulse 2 (Answer)

B. Sun Flight

C. Falcon Solar Plane

D. Sun Traveler

USA has 568 space satellites, which country is 2nd with 177 satellites ——

A. Russia

B. France

C. Japan

D.China (Answer)

What do you mean by word “Android” ——

A. Tough Animal

B. Fast Eagle

C. Human Like (Answer)

D. Tasty

Food Most immigration country is ——-

A. USA (Answer)

B. Canada

C. China

D. Australia

The Pakistan‟s Largest Tea Bag Is Made by which company———

A. Tepal

B. Lipton (Answer)

C. Tarang

D. Brooke

Bond Name the World‟s Largest cruise ship

A. Symphony of the Seas (Answer)

B. Harmony of the Seas

C. Allure of the Seas

D. Oasis of The Seas

The oldest written language is ——-

A. Akkadian

B. Egyptian Hieroglyphics

C. Sumerian (Answer)

D. Eblaite

D. Elamite

Original name of International Telecommunication Union was———

A. International Telegraph Organization

B. International Telegraph Union (Answer)

C. International Telegraph Bureau

D. International Telecommunication Organizers

United Nations‟ Environment Programme was established as a result of———-

A. Treaty

B. Protocol

C. Conference (Answer)

D. All of Above

Deepest point in world is” Mariana Trench” which lies in————-

A. Eastern North Pacific

B. Western South Pacific

C. Western North Pacific (Answer)

D. Eastern North Pacific United Nations‟

Convention on Law of Sea was signed in———-

A. 1969

B. 1974

C. 1982 (Answer)

D. 1989

Official language of Universal Postal Union is————

A. French (Answer)

B. English

C. Brazilian

D. German

The Olympic game where men and women can simultaniously compete with each other is ———

A. Equestrian (Answer)

B. Tennis

C. Swimming

D. Shooting

How many balls are used in play in the game of snooker —— 

A. 18

B. 20

C. 22 (Answer)

D. 24

Gymnophobia is the fear of————

A. Exercise

B. Nudity (Answer)

C. Crowd

D. War

“FBI” of America was established in————-

A. 1907

B. 1908 (Answer)

C. 1909

D. 1910

Who was the founder of republican party of USA————-

A. Alexander Hamilton

B. Franklin Roosevelt

C. George Washington

D.Thomas Jefferson (Answer)

The process with the help of which the students are divided into high / low achievers is

A. Measurement

B. Exam (Answer)

C. Evaluation

D. Test

Which country is the biggest producer of uranium in the world——

A. Canada

B. Kazakhstan (Answer)

C. Australia

D. Niger

The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on——-

A. 20 Sept

B. 21 Sept (Answer)

C. 22 Sept

D. 23 Sept

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed annually on———-

A. 25 Sept

B. 25 Oct

C. 25 Nov (Answer)

D. International Day

for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on———-

A. 21 Feb

B. 21 March (Answer)

C. 21 June

D. 21 Oct

“Shining Path” is a militant group of which country———————

A. Peru (Answer)

B. Paraguay

C. Mexico

D. Bolivia

White river is located in———————-

A. U.S (Answer)

B. China

C. South Africa

D. Austria

The world‟s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is ——————

A. British Parliament

B. Diet of Japan

C. Althing of Iceland (Answer)

D. Cortes of Spain

Blue River is located in————-

A. U.S (Answer)

B. China

C. South Africa

D. Austria

Yellow river is located in——————

A. U.S

B. China (Answer)

C. South Africa

D. Austria

Green river is located in—————

A. U.S (Answer)

B. China

C. South Africa

D. Austria

The Amazon river dolphins is also called———————-

A. Pink river dolphins (Answer)

B. Green river dolphins

C. Blue river dolphins

D. white river dolphins

The Black river is located in ——————

A. Jamaica (Answer)

B. Argentina

C. Chile

D. Canada

United Nations University lies in———————

A. Japan (Answer)

B. Switzerland

C. U.S

D. Colombia

What is the sensitive list in SAFTA

A. which does not include tariff concession (Answer)

B. which does include tariff concession

C. which includes non-exportable items

D. which includes banned items

NEQS refer to ————

A. Environment (Answer)

B. Upper atmosphere

C. Sea- bed

D. Continental

shelf The fastest marine animal found in warmer parts of five oceans of the world —————

A. Tunny

B. Wahoo

C. Sailfish (Answer)

D. Marlin

Border line which separates outer space from Earth‟s atmosphere is known as———

A. Durand line

B. Space line

C. Venus line

D.Karman line (Answer)

In which country The last specie white rhino dies

A. Africa

B. Ethopia

C. Sudan (Answer)

D. Somalia

World Wildlife Fund was established on—————-

A. 24 May, 1967

B. 29 April, 1961 (Answer)

C. 29 October, 1961

D. 24 June, 1979

The country without capital is ———

A. Naura (Answer)

B. Vatican city

C. Iceland

D. Malta

Which became the first river in the world to be granted the same legal rights as that of human beings on 15 March 2017

A. Yangtze

B. Missisippi

C. Ganga

D.Whanganui (Answer)

Which District of Malakand division is Switzerland

A. Swat (Answer)

B. Buner

C. Dir

D. Shangla

The Kiribati capital is—————

A. Tarawa (Answer)

B. Roficanda

C. Royaldo

D. South Barati

Ice mass that covers more than fifty-thousand square kilometers of land area is classified as————

A. ice sheet (Answer)

B. ice field

C. glacier erosions

D. ice cap

When Islamabad United won First title:

A. 22 Feb 2016

B. 23 Feb 2016 (Answer)

C. 24 Feb 2016

D. 25 Feb 2016

The capital of SriLanka is———-

A. Jakarta

B. Colombo (Answer)

C. Kolkata

D. Malay

Maize, Rice and Wheat are generally referred as—

A. Root crops

B. Legumes Crops granaries

C. Cereal Crops (Answer)

D. None of Above

Earth‟s largest ice volume is present in————-

A. Himalayas

B. South America

C. Antarctica (Answer)

D. North America

The word democracy has been derived from the————-language

A. French B. Latin

C. Greek (Answer)

D. Arabic

When was the first petrol Car developed

A. 1885-1886 (Answer)

B. 1887-1888

C. 1888-1889

D. 1889-1890

Where is Headquarter of World Economic Forum is in————-

A. London

B. Paris

C. Cologny (Answer)

D. Geneva

What is the capital of Norway

A. Vienna

B. Copenhegan

C. Oslo (Answer)

D. Berlin


World GK MCQs Read More »

Important General Knowledge

The Mariana Trench is in the ——— Ocean

A. Atlantic

B. Arctic

C. Antarctic

D.Pacific (Answer)

Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the————

A. Green Mosque

B. Blue Mosque (Answer)

C. Red Mosque

D. Yellow Mosque

Panama (a country) connects which two continents

A. Asia and Europe

B. Asia and Africa

C. South America and North America (Answer)

D. Asia and Australia

The North Pole of the Earth is located in————

A. Norway

B. Antarctica

C. Arctic Ocean (Answer)

D. Pacific Ocean

Egypt connects which of the following two continents

A. Asia and Europe

B. Asia and Africa (Answer)

C. South America and North America D. Asia and Australia

The Pico Island is located in———

A. Switzerland

B. Portugal (Answer)

C. Turkey

D. Egypt

Which city is also called The City of 1,000 Minarets

A. Istanbul

B. Cairo (Answer)

C. Makkah

D. Islamabad

The Pena Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in————

A. Egypt

B. Portugal (Answer)

C. Switzerland

D. Turkey

The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called————-

A. Golden Gate Bridge

B. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

  • C. Bosphorus Bridge (Answer)

D. Royal Gorge Bridge

Alexandria is a city in————-

A. Turkey

B. Egypt (Answer)

C. Jordan

D. Greece

About ——% of Antarctica is covered by ice

A. 97%

B. 98% (Answer)

C. 99%

D. 100%

The South Pole of the Earth is located in————

A. Norway

B. Antarctica (Answer)

C. Arctic Ocean

D. Pacific Ocean

The shortest day is———

A. 22 June

B. 22 July

C. 22 September

D.22 December (Answer)

Turkey connects the two continents————-

A. Asia and Europe (Answer)

B. Asia and Africa

C. South America and North America

D. Asia and Australia

Augusta Raurica is located in———

A. Egypt

B. Portugal

C. Switzerland (Answer)

D. Turkey

How Many Countries Are Landlocked In Asia

A. 11 Countries

B. 12 Countries (Answer)

C. 13 Countries

D. 14 Countries

26th January is India‟s——— Day

A. Independence Day

B. Republic Day (Answer)

C. Revolution Day

D. Parliament Day

Which Country joined SAARC in 2007

A. Pakistan

B. India

C. SriLanka

D.Afghanistan (Answer)

Who was the First Pakistani Player to have a hundred in T20Is

A. Ahmed Shehzad (Answer)

B. Umar Akmal

C. Misbah-ul-Haq

D. Mohammad Hafeez

Silk is produced by————

A. Egg of silkworm

B. Pupa of silkworm

C. Larva of silkworm (Answer)

D. Insect itself

The Orange river flows in————

A. Indonesia

B. Egypt

C. South Africa (Answer)

D. Mexico

Indonesia is a country with around ———- islands

A. 10,000

B. 11,000

C. 12,000

D.13,000 (Answer)

When was the game Frisbee invented

A. 1860s

B. 1870s (Answer)

C. 1830s

D. 1850s

The Seven Rila Lakes are located in———

A. Bulgaria (Answer)

B. Hungary

C. Poland

D. Czech Republic

“Netherlands” literally means————-

A. ideal location

B. lower countries (Answer)

C. mouth of land

D. land of sun set

These are only two double land-locked countries in the world. Double land locked means a land-locked country which is also surrounded by land locked neighbouring countries. Name both the countries

A. Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein (Answer)

B. Uzbekistan and Chad

C. Uzbekistan and Mali

D. Liechtenstein and Chad

A large group of islands is known as:

A. Peninsula

B. Archipelago (Answer)

C. Strait

D. Channel

Which waterway gives the source of terrestrial moisture

A. Ocean

B. Rivers

C. Lakes (Answer)

D. Canals

Rainfall related to mountains is:

A. Orographic rainfall (Answer)

B. Normal rainfall

C. Monsoon rains

D. Cyclonic rainfall

The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time

A. 10 minutes

B. 4 minutes (Answer)

C. 15 minutes

D. 1 minute

The season changes because of the ————

A. Moon is revolving round the earth

B. Earth is revolving round its axis

C. Earth is revolving round the sun (Answer)

D. Planet Mars is attracting the sun

The largest latitude circle on earth is —–

A. Arctic circle

B. Tropic of cancer

C. Tropic of Capricorn

D.The Equator (Answer)

Which part of the world is known as “Star and key of Indian Ocean”

A. Manora

B. Sri Lanka

C. Maldives

D.Mauritius (Answer)

D. Madagascar

The world‟s largest land border is between ——————

A. China and Mongolia

B. Russia and China

C. Argentina and Brazil

D.America and Canada (Answer)

The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called ————-

A. The Torrid Zone

B. The Frigid Zone (Answer)

C. The Temperature Zone

D. The Hardiness Zone

The richest fishing ground in the world:

A. North Western Europe

B. North Eastern Asia (Answer)

C. North Western Africa

D. North Eastern North America

Transportation and trade are——

A. Primary activities

B. Secondary activities

C. Tertiary activities (Answer)

D. Quaternary activities

Which of the following regions is „Peninsula‟——

A. Arabia

B. Scandinavia

C. Alaska

D. PapuaNew Guinea E.All of above (Answer)

Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences ——-

A. Land Breeze

B. Monsoon

C. Frontal

D.Convectional (Answer)

The extinct Volcanic Peak of Koh-i-Sultan is in ——-

A. Turkmanistan

B. Turkey

C. Iran

D.Pakistan (Answer)

The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT:

A. Wet bulb thermometer

B. Maximum thermometer

C. Ordinary thermometer D.Anemometer (Answer)

A canyon is a large form of ——

A. Dry valley

B. Gorge (Answer)

C. Pediment

D. Badiand

The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is—

A. Mariana Trench

B. Puerto Rico Trench

C. Diamantina Trench (Answer)

D. Isle

Trench Bore is caused by——

A. Rising tide while meeting river currents (Answer)

B. Friction from prevailing winds

C. Spring tide and strong winds

D. Unequal heating of oceans

The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in——

A. Gilgit B. Hunza

C. Swat (Answer)

D. Dir Nightingale

Florence (belongs to France) was a————.

A. Doctor

B. Nurse (Answer)

C. Teacher

D. House wife

“Decision Point” Book is written by————.

A. Barack Obama

B. George W Bush (Answer)

C. Bill Clinton

D. Richard Nixon

Diego Garcia is United States military base in the—————

A. Indian Ocean (Answer)

B. Pacific Ocean C. Atlantic Ocean

D. Arctic Ocean

Where Das Man Palace is located in—————

A. Yemen

B. Kuwait (Answer)

C. Bahrain

D. Oman

Mahan Airline belongs to which country————

A. Iran (Answer)

B. Iraq

C. Yemen

D. Oman

Who first pioneered the idea of a blood bank———-

A. Booker T, Washington

B. George Washington Carver

C. Jonas Salk

D.Charles Drew (Answer)

Which of the following lines divide Turkish and Greek Cyprus communities

A. Yellow Line

B. Green Line (Answer)

C. Maginot Line

D. 11 parallel line

Bismillah Khan is related to—————

A. Flute

B. Tabla

C. Shehnai (Answer)

D. Sarod

Togo is situated in ————-

A. southern African countries

B. Western African countries (Answer)

C. Northern African countries

D. Eastern African countries

The number of keys in an ordinary piano is————

A. 66

B. 77

C.88 (Answer)

D. 44

Biro Brothers invented the BALLPOINT PEN belong to————-

A. Hungry (Answer)

B. Sweden

C. Finland

D. Greece

“Night watch” is a famous————-

A. Restaurant

B. Painting (Answer)

C. Hotel

D. Beach

The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is————

A. 5

B. 7

C. 11

D.13 (Answer)

Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink. When did the first chocolate bar appear————-

A. 1831

B. 1832

C. 1833

D. There is no sure date (Answer)

What invention caused many deaths while testing it—————

A. Dynamite

B. Parachute (Answer)

C. Motor car

D. Railway Edwin

Budding invented lawn mover belong to———-

A. England (Answer)

B. U.S

C. Sweden

D. Finland

What furniture item was invented by California furniture designer Charles Prior Hall in 1968

A. Sofa bed

B. Captain’s chair

C. Waterbed (Answer)

D. Hammock

When was bar code scanner invented——

A. 1950s

B. 1960s

C. 1970s (Answer)

D. 1980s

Who invented Jet Engine————-

A. Sir Frank Whittle (Answer)

B. Gottlieb Daimler

C. Roger Bacon

D. Lewis E. Waterman

For which disease,Indian scientists have developed herbal medicine using Ayurveda


B. Blood Cancer

C. Dengue (Answer)

D. Diabetes

The first „Cross word‟ puzzle in the world was published in —— General Knowledge

A. 1913 (Answer)

B. 1915

C. 1917

D. 1927

Which one of the following companies will launch Project Skybender to boost 5G internet speed —

A. Facebook

B. Google (Answer)


D. Apple

In which one of the following South East Asian countries, India will build satellite tracking station 

A. Vietnam (Answer)

B. Philippines

C. Laos

D. Cambodia

The country known is the sugar bowl of the world———

A. Cuba (Answer)

B. Jamaica

C. South Sudan

D. Sierra Leone

What is the significance of a small country “Ecuador”———

A. Beautiful state of South America

B. Lies on equator (Answer)

C. Biggest producer of water-melon

D. famous for canal system

River Jordon flow out into ———-

A. Dead sea (Answer)

B. Caspian sea

C. Red sea

D. Mediterranean sea

Which of the following keys of personal computer is not available in the key board of traditional typewriters

A. Tab

B. Enter (Answer)

C. Backspace

D. Spacebar

The country whose national anthem has only music no words————

A. Bahrain (Answer)

B. Chile

C. Greece

D. Albania

Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means————

A. Fear of cats (Answer)

B. Fear of rats

C. Fear of cockroaches

D. Fear of height

The most densely populated island in the world is Honshu located in——-

A. South Korea

B. North Korea

C. Japan (Answer)

D. China

Name of the Alexander horse was———-

A. Beucephalus (Answer)

B. Alexcephalus

C. Macodophalus

D. Grekophalus

The country famous for Samba dance is———

A. USA B. Brazil (Answer)

C. Portugal

D. Chile

The motto of „Association of Southeast Asian Nations‟ is “One Vision, One———- ,One Community”.

A. Unity

B. Identity (Answer)

C. Faith

D. Ideology

The official language(s) of “Association of Southeast Asian Nations” is/are ————-

A. One

B. Five

C. Nine

D.Ten (Answer)

SAFTA signed on 6 January 2004 in—————

A. 10 SAARC summit

B. 11 SAARC summit

C. 12 SAARC summit (Answer)

D. 13 SAARC summit


Important General Knowledge Read More »

GK Solved MCQs

Nabi tajima became the oldest woman in japan in———-

A. 15 September 2012

B. 15 September 2013

C. 15 September 2014

D.27 September 2015 (Answer)

World‟s oldest person (woman) From japan,was died on 21-april-2018, at the age of 117 was——

A. Junko tabie

B. Shazia iqbal

C. Jeane calmete

D.Nabi tajima (Answer)

World food day is internationally observed on —————.

A. October 16 (Answer)

B. October 17

C. October 18

D. October 19

Herodotus is called ——————.

A. Father of Physics

B. Father of Comedy

C. Father of History (Answer)

D. Father of Chemistry

D. Father of Biology

—————- book is written on the life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

A. Spirit of Islam

B. Aab-e- Hayat

C. Hayat-e-jawaid (Answer)

D. Pir-e-Kamil

The world‟s largest Cargo aircraft,Antonov AN-225 Mriya, made it‟s first landing in karachi for refueling on——

A. 18 april 2018

B. 19 april 2018

C. 20 april 2018 (Answer)

D. 21 april 2018

Al Jazeera TV channel belongs to which country

A. Iran

B. Syria

C. Qatar (Answer)

D. Kuwait

The most salty sea in the wolrd———-

A. Arabian Sea

B. Dead Sea (Answer)

C. Black Sea.

D. Caspian Sea.

World fastest bird is———-

A. Humming Bird

B. Ostrich

C. Hen

D.Peregrine falcon (Answer)

Petronas Tower are in————-

A. Kuala Lumpur (Answer)

B. Paris

C. Colombia

D. Rome

World book day is celebrated on————

A. 21 May

B. 17 Mar

C. 22 Apr

D.23 Apr (Answer)

Non-violence day is internationally observed on ———.

A. October 1

B. October 2 (Answer)

C. October 3

D. October 4

The Engadin Valley is located in:————

A. Switzerland (Answer)

B. Portugal

C. Turkey

D. Egypt

Lake Lucerne that has complicated shape with several sharp bends and four arms is located in:

A. Egypt

B. Portugal

C. Switzerland (Answer)

D. Turkey

The Capital Asset Pricing model calculate expected investment———

A. Risk

B. Return

C. Risk and Return (Answer)

D. None of the above

Rawal Dam is constructed on which river——-

A. kurrange river (Answer)

B. Indus river

C. Kabul river

D. Chenab river

What is the power capacity of Diamer Bhasha Dam

A. 5400 MW

B. 5000 MW

C. 4000 MW.

D.4500 MW (Answer)

Who is the Father of Communism

A. Adam Smith

B. Karl Marx (Answer)

C. Arestotle

D. Alfred Marshell

The stone age people had the first domestic

A. asses

B. dogs

C. horses

D.sheep (Answer)

The Sinai Peninsula is located in:

A. Egypt (Answer)

B. Portugal

C. Switzerland

D. Turkey

Twitter was created by:

A. Biz Stone

B. Jack Dorsey

C. Noah Glass

D.All Above (Answer)

The first artificial satellite on earth is ————

A. Sputnik I. (Answer)

B. Giotto

C. Prithvi

D. Gaia

World‟s tallest tree is known as———

A. Hawthorn

B. Redwood (Answer)

C. Yellow Birch

D. Basswood

CTBT was adopted by the UN General Assembly on———

A. 12 September, 1995

B. 24 September, 1996 (Answer)

C. 13 September, 1997

D. 18 September, 1998

Capital of East Timor———

A. Dili (Answer)

B. Helsinki

C. Beirut

D. Sydney

Who said “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”

A. Hitler

B. Sadam hussain

C. Milton (Answer)

D. Bush

Name the Powerful Country which offered help to the Pakistan Army before surrendering in Dhaka during 1971 war

A. United kingdom

B. United States (Answer)

C. France

D. Russia

The name United nations was adopted at the suggestion of General Knowledge

A. Stalin

B. Roosevelt (Answer)

C. Chrchill

D. George Degual

Who was known as “Man of Destiny”

A. Napoleon (Answer)

B. Nehru

C. Hitler

D. Musolini

When did Facebook go public

A. April 15, 2012

B. May 18, 2012 (Answer)

C. July 11, 2012

D. December 28, 2012

When Facebook launched

A. January 2004

B. February 2004 (Answer)

C. March 2004

D. April 2004

Who invented bulb

A. Philips

B. Robert

C. Edison (Answer)

D. Willium

According to the latest WHO 2015 Report, What is the average age of Pakistan

A. 45.2

B. 50.4

C. 55.3

D.66.4 (Answer)

The term of office of a judge of the ICJ is

A. 9 years (Answer)

B. 8 years

C. 7 years

D. 6 years

In which month does the Un general assembly meet annually

A. September (Answer)

B. October

C. November

D. December

What approximate part of J&K is under india‟s occupation

A. 75% (Answer)

B. 60%

C. 90%

D. 50%

Who gave the title of Mahatma to Gandhiji

A. Rabindranath tagore (Answer)

B. Lala lajpat roy

C. Abu kalam azad

D. None

The chemical that is used in making artificial rain is

A. Silver iodide (Answer)

B. Silver nitrate

C. Silver chloride

D. Silver nitrite

Napoleon regarded which battle as his greatest victory

A. Austerlitz (Answer)

B. Arras

C. Amiens

D. Assayer

The first war b/w Arabs and Israel was fought in

A. 1948 (Answer)

B. 1946

C. 1942

D. 1940

The first truly global war was

A. Seven years war (Answer)

B. Hundred years war


D. Thirty years war

Hardest substance in the human body is

A. Enamel (Answer)

B. Nail

C. Bone

D. N.O.T

Famous painting “The sunflower” is painted by

A. Vincent van gogh (Answer)

B. Banjamin west

C. Gustav klint

D. Pablo picasso

Steve jobs was an american and he was founder of

A. Apple (Answer)

B. Google

C. Yahoo

D. Oracle

Where the Pakistan‟s first radio station was setup

A. Karachi (Answer)

B. Lahore

C. Multan

D. Islamabad

Who was the last mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne

A. Muhammad Shah (Answer)

B. Aurangzeb

C. Shah zafar

D. Shah alam

II Which country has no railway track

A. Afghanistan (Answer)

B. China

C. Russia

D. Somalia

Spectrum is made of —- colors

A. 7 (Answer)

B. 8

C. 6

D. 9

Blind dolphins are found in which river of Pakistan

A. Indus (Answer)

B. Jehlum

C. Kabul

D. Chenab

Angela Merkel is a German Politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since———

A. November 2003

B. November 2005 (Answer)

C. November 2008

D. November 2011

Father of rivers is called ————

A. Indus river (Answer)

B. Amazon river

C. Manchar river

D. Keenjhar river

———— is a famous beverage today , originally it was the name of a medicine

A. Coca Cola (Answer)

B. Lemonade

C. Pepsi

D. Soda water

Which US president resigned while in office 

A. Richard Nixon (Answer)

B. Jimmy Carter

C. Ronald Reagan

D. J. F. Kennedy

—————-is the fear of bathing

A. Agoraphobia

B. Acrophobia

C. Ablutophobia (Answer)

D. Hydrophobia

In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is ———-

A. Helium

B. Hydrogen (Answer)

C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

Headquarter of the African Union is located in————

A. Johannesburg

B. Cairo

C. Dakar

D.Addis Ababa (Answer)

What was the name of concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Germany in 1961

A. Peace Wall

B. Peace Berlin Wall

C. Berlin Wall (Answer)

D. Peace Wall of Berlin

How many states are in Europe General Knowledge

A. 47

B. 48

C. 49

D.50 (Answer)

The UN official birthday is celebrated on————

A. December 24, 1945

B. October 24, 1945 (Answer)

C. September 24, 1945

D. November 24, 1945

The General Assembly of UN meets regularly once a year on third Tuesday of————-

A. September (Answer)

B. October

C. November

D. December

How many official working languages recognized by UN (United Nations)

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 (Answer)

D. 7

The oldest anthem of the world is

A. Japan (Answer)

B. China

C. Russia

D. Denmark

Total number UN Security Council members is————

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15 (Answer)

D. 20

The oldest flag of the world is

A. Denmark (Answer)

B. China

C. Japan

D. Greece

Harrapa city is situated on the bank of which river

A. Ravi (Answer)

B. Chenab

C. Sutlej

D. Indus

Who was the first asian to receive noble prize in 1913

A. Rabinder Nath Tagore (Answer)

B. C.V.Raman

C. I.A.Bunin

D. Mother teresa

“Spirit of Islam” book was written by

A. Syed Ameer Ali (Answer)

B. Quaid-e-Azam

C. Allama Iqbal

D. Sir syed Braille

education system was introduced by Braille for

A. Blinds (Answer)

B. Dumb

C. Handicap

D. Labours

Which Country law is considered to be harsh

A. Iran

B. Saudi Arabia (Answer)

C. China

D. Ethiopia

Non-permanent members of UN Security Council are elected for term of————

A. 1 year

B. 2 years (Answer)

C. 3 years

D. 5 years

The International Day of Forests is observed every year on————

A. March 21 (Answer)

B. March 22

C. March 23

D. March 24

Who was the viceroy of Indian during the WWII

A. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten

B. Victor Alexander John Hope, Marquess of Linlithgow (Answer)

C. Major Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Marquess of Willingdon

The High courts in India were established under the——————-

A. Indian High Courts Act 1868

B. Indian High Courts Act 1871

C. Indian High Courts Act 1858

D.Indian High Courts Act 1861 (Answer)

The Indus Waters Treaty water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan, brokered by the:

A. International Monetary Fund

B. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

C. World Bank (Answer)


Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863

A. Shah Waliullah Dehlawi

B. Syed Ameer Ali

C. Nawab Abdul Latif (Answer)

D. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Nawab Abdul Latif found the Muhammadan Literary Society in April 1863 at———

A. Dhaka

B. Faridpur

C. Calcutta (Answer)

D. Selhat

John Stuart Mill wrote a famous book ” on liberty” in————

A. 1859 (Answer)

B. 1850

C. 1759

D. 1871

John Austin presented his “Theory of sovereignty” in his book “The Province of Jurisprudence Determined” which was published in————

A. 1832 (Answer)

B. 1935

C. 1717

D. 1736

Insulin drug was discovered by————

A. Charles Herbert Best

B. Prof John James Rickard Macleod

C. Sir Frederick Grant Banting (Answer)

D. Leonard Thompson

Nagqu is located in which country

A. China (Answer)

B. Nepal

C. Bhutan

D. Mongolia

 is the author of the famous book, “The Spirit of Islam”

A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

B. Syed Ameer Ali (Answer)

C. Khwaja Salimullah Khwaja Salimullah

D. Sir John Woodroffe


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GK World General Knowledge

Who provided proof to suggest that the earth was spherical

A. David Encaston

B. Francis Columbus

C. Ferdinand Magellan (Answer)

D. None of these

The first private tourist of the space was———

A. Shuttle Worth

B. Larry Swanson

C. Dennis Tito (Answer)

D. None of these

Who was Bismarck

A. German Navy Destroyer

B. German Politician and statesman (Answer)

C. Orator

D. German Novelist

Which style of painting was used by early Renaissance artists——-

A. Gothic

B. Graeco-Roman (Answer)

C. Catholic Art

D. None of these

The Battle of Halani was fought in———

A. 1712

B. 1748

C. 1762

D.1782 (Answer)

Author of the book “The Making of Modern Sindh” is————

A. Rasool Bux Palijo

B. Ibrahim Joyo

C. Hamida Khuhro (Answer)

D. Amar Jalil

Synagogue is place of worship of which religion

A. Confucianism

B. Judaism (Answer)

C. Shintoism

D. Buddhism

Gimpo airport is situated in———-

A. Russia

B. Japan

C. South Korea (Answer)

D. Germany

Which of the following canals is considered to be an important link between the developed countries and the developing countries———-

A. Panama Canal

B. Suez Canal (Answer)

C. Kiel Canal

D. Grand Canal

Which treaty provides for a common currency for European Community————

A. Treaty of Versailles

B. Geneva Convention

C. Brussels Treaty

D.Maastricht Treaty (Answer)

Maiden Tower is in———

A. Russia

B. France

C. Azerbaijan (Answer)

D. Malaysia

Eisenhower trophy is given annually to what best amateur team

A. Baseball

B. Golf (Answer)

C. Dr. Abdus Salam (Answer)

D. Dr. Saleem-uzaman Siddique

Gwadar became part of Pakistan on September 8,————

A. 1949

B. 1955

C. 1958 (Answer)

D. 1972

Hindenburg line divides————

A. Germany and Poland (Answer)

B. Germany and France

C. South Vietnam and North Vietnam

D. None of the above

Franc is the currency of———

A. Rwanda

B. Malagasy

C. Burundi

D.All of them (Answer)

How many pairs of ribs are there in Human Body———

A. 12 (Answer)

B. 13

C. 11

D. none of these

International Day of Diplomats is celebrated on————

A. 20 October

B. 24 October (Answer)

C. 28 October

D. 31 October

Al-Tahrir Square is in ———

A. Damascus, Syria

B. Cairo, Egypt (Answer)

C. Tripoli, Libya

D. stanbul, Turkey

Channel Tunnel is an Under Sea Rail Tunnel that linked ——— 

A. America and Mexico

B. England and France (Answer)

C. France and Germany

D. England and Germany

The Book “Long Walk to Freedom” is written by ———- 

A. Nelson Mandela (Answer)

B. Henry S. Commager

C. Bill Clinton

D. Mother Terasa

The Book “Higher than Hopes” is a biography of ———- 

A. Nelson Mandela (Answer)

B. Henry S. Commager

C. Bill Clinton

D. Mother Terasa

Which from the following countries has no Armed Forces

A. Niger

B. Nigeria

C. Iceland (Answer)

D. Latvia

IPCC is the abbreviation for———

A. International Program on Climate Climate

B. International Panel on Collective Change

C. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Answer)

D. International Panel on Collec

PCIW stands for———

A. Police criminal investigation wing

B. Popcorn cut and invest company

C. Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters (Answer)

D. Peep core in water

The World Day for International Justice (WDIJ) is observed every year on ———

A. 16 July

B. 17 July (Answer)

C. 18 July

D. 19 July

“Sense and Sensibility” was written by:————

A. Shakespeare’s

B. Jhon Milton

C. Jane Austen (Answer)

D. Methew Arnold

Loire is the longest river of————

A. France (Answer)

B. Russia


D. None

Halim Dhanidina the first ever Muslim judge in state of California belongs to which country

A. India (Answer)

B. Bangladesh

C. Pakistan

D. None

Youtube was launched in ———

A. 2009

B. 2007

C. 2011

D.2005 (Answer)

Name the World famous and finest Harbour

A. Calcutta

B. Mumbai

C. Sydney (Answer)

D. New York

Where is the largest Coral Reef located

A. Canada

B. U.K

C. Australia (Answer)

D. Germany

Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth‟s surface

A. Grassland Ecosystem

B. Mountain Ecosystem

C. Marine Ecosystem (Answer)

D. Desert Ecosystem

The International Migrants Day is observed every year on ———-

A. Dec 15

B. Dec 16

C. Dec 18 (Answer)

D. Dec 20

The World Leprosy Day 2019 will be observed on

A. 25 January

B. 26 January

C. 27 January (Answer)

D. 28 January

Which country has large number of nuclear warheads

A. America

B. Russia (Answer)

C. France

D. China

The Republic Day of Turkey is celebrated on———-

A. 26 October

B. 27 October

C. 28 October

D.29 October (Answer)

Which international arbitration institution fined Pakistan in Reko Diq mining case

A. International Court of Arbitration

B. London Court of International Arbitration

C. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (Answer)

D. None of these

Russia withdrew from Afghanistan under the ———

A. Islamabad treaty

B. Kabul pact

C. Geneva Accord (Answer)

D. Moscow Agreement

Russia withdrew from Afghanistan under the ———

A. Islamabad treaty

B. Kabul pact

C. Geneva Accord (Answer)

D. Moscow Agreement

Child Labour is the main theme in most of the novels of————

A. D.H Lawrence

B. Leo Tolstoy

C. Maxim Gorky (Answer)

D. Charles Dickens

Child Labour is the main theme in most of the novels of————

A. D.H Lawrence

B. Leo Tolstoy

C. Maxim Gorky (Answer)

D. Charles Dickens


GK World General Knowledge Read More »

Gk Questions for General Awareness

Duration of national anthem of Pakistan is ——- seconds.

A. 60

B. 70

C. 80 (Answer)

D. 90

Sheikh Saadi (RA) was a famous poet of ———— language.

A. Arabic

B. Persian (Answer)

C. Sanskrit

D. Both A & B

Helsinki is the capital of which country

A. Poland

B. North korea

C. Finland (Answer)

D. Austria

South Pole was discovered by———-

A. Cabot

B. Robert Peary

C. North America

D.Roald Amundsen (Answer)

The length of USA and Canada border is———

A. 8891 KM (Answer)

B. 5525 KM

C. 7611 KM

D. 4278 KM

The longest border in the world between two countries is———

A. Radcliffe Line (between India and Pakistan)

B. International boundary (between USA and Canada) (Answer)

C. Durand line (between Pakistan and Afghanistan)

D. None

The border between USA and Canada is officially known as 

A. 37 Parallel line

B. 38 Parallel line

C. Hinden berg line

D.International boundary (Answer)

In 2018 Commonwealth Games athletes from —— countries participated

A. 70

B. 71 (Answer)

C. 72

D. 75

Where is the Headquarter of Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC)

A. Riyadh (Answer)

B. Jeddah

C. Mekkah

D. None of Them

The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) is an alliance of how many Islamic countries

A. 34

B. 41 (Answer)

C. 53

D. 50

Who has scored the most goals ever in football history

A. Ronaldo

B. Meradona

C. Pele (Answer)

D. Zidane

The Euro currency is used by —— countries.

A. 17

B. 18

C. 19 (Answer)

D. 20

Riskdag is the name of parliament of———

A. Somalia

B. Swedish (Answer)

C. Canada

D. Denmark

“Yusuf Zulekan” is a ——— love Story.

A. Punjabi (Answer)

B. Sindhi

C. Balochi

D. Urdu

The eradication of poverty day is internationally observed on ————-.

A. October 16

B. October 17 (Answer)

C. October 18

D. October 19

Mein Kampf‟ is autobiography of———

A. Posternak

B. Adolf Hitler (Answer)

C. Navakov

D. Goethe

International date line passes through which strait

A. Malacca Strait

B. Adam Strait

C. Bering Strait (Answer)

D. Java Strait

Who is known as Napoleon of Asia

A. Hemu Bekal

B. Tipu Sultan

C. Nadir Shah (Answer)

D. Chandra Bose

Which poet is called Romi of Kashmir

A. Hashim Shah

B. Syed Bulleh Shah

C. Syed Waris Shah

D.MianMohammad Bakhsh (Answer)

Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever

A. Aedes Aegypteis (Answer)

B. Anophilies

C. Barinohils

D. N.O.A

Which is the most famous brand of the world

A. Nokia

B. Coca cola (Answer)

C. Micro software

D. None of these

How many years after the diagnosis of HIV AIDS will a man die

A. 8 years

B. 6 years

C. 4 years

D.2 years (Answer)

There are top 10 populous countries in the world and Pakistan is on——— number

A. 3rd

B. 4th

C. 5th

D.6th (Answer)

Hundred years War fought between

A. Germany and Japan

B. America and England

C. England and France (Answer)

D. South Korea and America

Which is second most beautiful Capital in the World

A. Paris

B. London

C. Bankok

D.Islamabad (Answer)

How many time Australia has hosted the Commonwealth Games

A. 4 times

B. 7 times

C. 3 times

D.5 times (Answer)

Kalidas was a famous poet of —— language.

A. Hindi

B. Bengali

C. Sanskrit (Answer)

D. Sindhi

D. None

National juice of Pakistan is ————-.

A. Mango juice

B. Orange juice

C. Apple juice

D.Sugarcane juice (Answer)

D. Strawberry juice

The world‟s most famous physicist, Stephen Hawking has ———- children‟s

A. 1

B. 3 (Answer)

C. 4

D. 5

Headquarters of Interpol is located in ————-

A. Vienna, Austria

B. New york, USA

C. London, UK

D.Lyon, France (Answer)

Swat Valley is situated in the mountain range of———

A. Hindukush (Answer)

B. Karakorum

C. Himalayas

D. None of the above

President of Pakistan announced new medal on 23 march 2018 named as ———

A. Sitara-e- Juraat

B. Tamgha-e-Amtiaz

C. Nishaan-e-Haider

D.Tamgha-e-Azam (Answer)

Cyprus is an island in the———-

A. Mediterranean Sea (Answer)

B. South China Sea C. Red Sea

D. Caribbean Sea.

Bering Strait separates Asia from———

A. America (Answer)

B. Australia

C. Africa

D. None of the above

one Alexandria is a seaport of———

A. Greece

B. Germany

C. Iran

D.Egypt (Answer)

Red sea is between————

A. Arabia and Africa (Answer)

B. Germany and Scandinavia

C. China and Japan

D. Turkey and Russia

Sea of Japan‟ is famous for————

A. Oil Reserves

B. Icebergs in water

C. Fishing Area (Answer)

D. Mineral Water

Thai airway is the airline of———


B. Singapore

C. Thailand (Answer)

D. China

Silk Air is the airline of which country———-


B. Singapore (Answer)


D. China

The Pressence of Lion in Forest is essential in order to —————-

A. Control ecology of forest

B. Rule the Jungle

C. Save the Animals the importantpasture from being overgrazed (Answer)

How many Pakistani blue helmets have embraced martyrdom while serving under the UN umbrella.

A. 150

B. 156 (Answer)

C. 160

D. 165

Quaid-e-Azam first wife died in ——

A. 1893 (Answer)

B. 1894

C. 1895

D. 1896

——- was the first wife of Quaid-e-Azam

A. Sakshi bai

B. Ratan bai

C. Emibai (Answer)

D. None

Which Chief Justice of Pakistan died in office, 9 days after taking oath

A. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

B. Sir Abdul Rashid

C. Muhammad Shahabuddin (Answer)

D. Mohammad Haleem

What is the full name of the UK

A. United Kingdom

B. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

C. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Answer)

D. United Kingdom of the British Isles

What is the height of the wicket used in the game of cricket—

A. 26 inches (66 cm)

B. 27 inches (68.6 cm)

C. 28 inches (71.12 cm) (Answer)

D. 29 inches (73.7 cm)

Which of the following Island group named as „Sandwich Island‟

A. Hawaii Island (Answer)

B. Falkland Islands

C. Greenland

D. Tuvalu

The Indus Valley Civilization specialized in——-

A. Town Planning (Answer)

B. Architecture

C. Craftsmanship

D. All of these

Blood which heart pumps to lungs is———-

A. deoxygenated blood (Answer)

B. lymph fluid

C. atria blood

D. oxygenated blood

ICC was founded in the year———

A. 1905 B. 1910

C. 1909 (Answer)

D. 1914

The first Persian newspaper was——-

A. Persian News

B. Jam-i-Jahan Numa

C. AL-Hilal

D.Mirat-ul-Akhbar (Answer)

International Cricket Council (ICC) headquarters is located in———-

A. Dubai (Answer)


C. China

D. Australia

Who is the National Poet of Afghanistan

A. Amir crore

B. Khushal khan khattak (Answer)

C. Rehman Baba

D. None of these

TAPI gas Pipeliine stands for 

A. Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

B. Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

C. Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Answer)

D. None of the above

K2 is also known as

A. Goodwin Austin

B. Chogori

C. Killer mountain

D.A & B (Answer)

8 March is observed internationally as

A. Women’s Day (Answer)

B. World Water Day

C. World Health Day

D. Human Rights Day

“Taipei” is the capital of———-

A. Tanzania

B. Vietnam

C. Taiwan (Answer)

D. Togo

Which of the following country are called “Land of free peoples”

A. Thailand (Answer)

B. Japan

C. Norway

D. Canada

Sunlight is composed of———

A. Three colours

B. six colours

C. seven colours (Answer)

D. eight colours

Harrappa near Sahiwal was centre of———

A. Greek civilization

B. Persian civilization

C. Muslim civilization

D.Indus valley civilization (Answer)

After Pashtun which is the second largest ethnic group of Afghanistan

A. Uzbek

B. Baluch

C. Tajik (Answer)

D. Hazaras

“FREE TOWN” is the capital of————-

A. Somalia

B. Slovenia

C. Cuba

D.Sierra Leone (Answer)

Dushanbe is the capital of———-

A. Tajikistan (Answer)

B. Ukraine

C. kazakhistan

D. Turkmenistan

Corbillion Cup is given in the game of————

A. Golf B. Squash

C. Table Tennis (Answer)

D. None of these

The Highest papulation growth rate among the following countries is in———

A. Bangladesh (Answer)

B. India

C. China

D. Srilanka

Asian developement bank was established in

A. 1964

B. 1966 (Answer)

C. 1968

D. 1970

Which continent has no desert

A. Europe (Answer)

B. N.America

C. S.America

D. Australia

Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987

A. Sheikh Ahmed yassin (Answer)

B. Yasser arafat

C. Abdul majeed

D. Zulfiqar Ali

The———used in the Construction of the Burj Khalifa weighs the same as five A380 aircraft

A. Nikal

B. Aluminium (Answer)

C. Silicon

D. Silver

Last specie white Rhino died on——— in Sudan

A. 06 March,2018

B. 12 March,2018 (Answer)

C. 19 March,2018

D. 24 March,2018

Helvetia is the old name of———

A. Indonesia

B. Veitnam

C. Italy

D.Switzerland (Answer)

What does the Roman Numeral C represents 

A. 1000

B. 100 (Answer)

C. 50

D. None of the above

What is the full form of NADRA

A. National Digital and Registration Authority

B. National Database and Registration Authority (Answer)

C. National Dues and Regulation Authority

D. None of the above

ISI stands for———-

A. International Service Intelligence

B. Inter Security Intelligence

C. International Security Institution

D.Inter Services Intelligence. (Answer)

The highest civil award is———-

A. Nishan-e-Imtiaz

B. Nishan-e-Sadarat

C. Nishan-e-Hyder.

D.Nishan-e-Pakistan (Answer)

Nabi tajima became the oldest woman in japan in———-

A. 15 September 2012

B. 15 September 2013

C. 15 September 2014

D.27 September 2015 (Answer)

World‟s oldest person (woman) From japan,was died on 21-april-2018, at the age of 117 was——

A. Junko tabie

B. Shazia iqbal

C. Jeane calmete

D.Nabi tajima (Answer)

World food day is internationally observed on —————.

A. October 16 (Answer)

B. October 17

C. October 18

D. October 19

Herodotus is called ——————.

A. Father of Physics

B. Father of Comedy

C. Father of History (Answer)

D. Father of Chemistry

D. Father of Biology

————— book is written on the life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

A. Spirit of Islam

B. Aab-e- Hayat

C. Hayat-e-jawaid (Answer)

D. Pir-e-Kamil

The world‟s largest Cargo aircraft,Antonov AN-225 Mriya, made it‟s first landing in karachi for refueling on——

A. 18 april 2018

B. 19 april 2018

C. 20 april 2018 (Answer)

D. 21 april 2018


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World General Knowledge Questions

How many points are there in badminton

A. 11

B. 21 (Answer)

C. 31

D. 41

World immunization day is being celebrated on————

A. November 10 (Answer)

B. November 15

C. November 20

D. November 25

Arab spring movement in the Middle East countries started from which country

A. Tunis (Answer)

B. Egypt

C. Syria

D. Sudan

Brazuca was the official match ball of FIFA World Cup 2014. Bazuca means

A. Success with Unity

B. Brazilian Culture

C. Grave Culture

D.Our Fellow (Answer)

“Tehrir square” also known as “Martyr Square” is located in———

A. Turkey

B. Syria

C. Egypt (Answer)

D. Tunis

Silicon Valley is a nickname for the southern portion of San Francisco Bay area in the northern part of U.S state of————

A. Alaska

B. Newyork

C. California (Answer)

D. Michigan

The Hanging Gardens is located in ———

A. Egypt

B. Iraq (Babylon) (Answer)

C. Iran

D. Jordan

The Statue of Liberty was a gift to USA from which of the following Country

A. Greece

B. Great Britain

C. France (Answer)

D. Italy

First Pakistani to hit century in T20 International cricket was ————.

A. Imran Nazir

B. Kamran Akmal

C. Ahmad Shahzad (Answer)

D. Shahid Afridi

The Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) was established on October 24————-

A. 2004 B. 2005 (Answer)

C. 2006

D. 2007

Ipoh is a city in—————

A. Indonesia

B. Malaysia (Answer)

C. China

D. South Korea

Taurus mountains are located in

A. Pakistan

B. Turkey (Answer)

C. Afghanistan

D. Nepal

The depth of the Mariana Trench is ———- meters.

A. 10,011

B. 10,411

C. 10,611

D.10,994 (Answer)

Which is the Second Largest Landlocked Country in the World

A. Kazakhstan

B. Azerbaijan

C. Mangolia (Answer)

D. Uzbekistan

Which is called “The valley of ten thousand smokes”

A. Texas

B. California

C. Alaska (Answer)

D. Arizona

The World‟s longest glacier “Lambert” is located in———

A. Asia

B. Europe

C. Africa

D.Antarctica (Answer)

The World‟s highest dam “Nurek” is located in

A. Azerbaijan

B. Tajikistan (Answer)

C. Kazakhstan

D. Uzbekistan

—— member of SAARC has largest literacy rate.

A. Maldives (Answer)

B. Sri Lanka

C. India

D. Bangladesh

Pakistan is the — largest cotton grower in the world.

A. 4th

B. 5th (Answer)

C. 6th

D. 7th

The highest peak of Africa is ——–

A. Mt. Elbrus

B. Mt. Kilimanjaro (Answer)

C. Mt. Everest

D. Mt. Blanc

Which of the following Crops is the largest consumer of Water

A. Rice

B. Sugarcane (Answer)

C. Wheat

D. Pulses

Which city is called “The city of silent thoroughfares”

A. Amsterdam

B. Venice (Answer)

C. Paris

D. Stockholm

Which Country is Called “Land of mighty rivers”

A. Egypt

B. India


D.Nigeria (Answer)

Tim Paine is the ——-Test captain of Australia

A. 45

B. 46 (Answer)

C. 49

D. 51

Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland is —— by Profession

A. Doctor

B. Engineer

C. Painter

D.Barrister (Answer)

Which among the following does not belong to seven new wonders of the world

A. Taj Mahal of Agra

B. Pyramid at Chichen Itza

C. Ruins of Petra

D.The Eiffel Tower in Paris (Answer)

Who designed Statue of Christ – The Redeemer

A. Anna Levinson

B. Apostolos Vellios

C. Heitor de Silva Costa (Answer)

D. Olena Shurkhno

Who built Machu Picchu

A. Atahualpa

B. Huayna Capac

C. Pachacutec (Answer)

D. Viracocha Inca

Who built the Pharos of Alexandria

A. Dinocrates

B. Eudoxus of Cnidus

C. Mausolus

D.Sostratus of Cnidus (Answer)

The height of Burj Khalifa is———

A. 828 metres (Answer)

B. 820 metres

C. 815 metres

D. None of the above

Which is called the first wonder of the world

A. The Pyramids of Egypt (Answer)

B. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

C. The Tomb of Mausolus

D. The Colossus of Rhodes

Which city is called “Gateway of India”

A. Mumbai (Answer)

B. Dehli

C. Kalcutta

D. Hyderabad Deccan

Which country is called “Land of snow”

A. Switzerland

B. Netherlands

C. Canada (Answer)

D. Ireland

Which City is called “Valley of flowers”

A. Peshawar (Answer)

B. Quetta

C. Lahore

D. Karachi

Which city is called “Golden city”

A. London

B. Mumbai

C. Colombo

D.Johannesburg (Answer)

Which city is called “the city of conferences”

A. Newyork

B. Geneva (Answer)

C. Washington. DC

D. London

Which country is called “Land of Lilies”

A. Canada (Answer)


C. Mexico


Which City is called “City of Eternal Springs”

A. Geneva

B. Berlin

C. London

D.Quito (Answer)

Which Country is called “Land of Amber”

A. Lithuania (Answer)

B. Bolivia

C. Canada

D. India

Which Country is called “Great Britain of Pacific”

A. Taiwan

B. NewZealand

C. Japan (Answer)

D. Brunai

Which Country is called “Crossroads of Western Europe”

A. Belgium (Answer)

B. Norway

C. England

D. Switzerland

Which Country is called “Isle of pearls”

A. Iran

B. Bahrain (Answer)

C. Iraq

D. Syria

——–is the key to the Mediterranean Sea

A. Spain

B. Egypt

C. Bab-ul-Maneb

D.Gibraltar (Answer)

How many General seats each province have in the Senate

A. 14 (Answer)

B. 16

C. 18

D. 20

Which Country is called “Land of Fertile Fields”

A. Algeria (Answer)

B. Luanda

C. Nigeria

D. Greenland

Which Ocean is Called “Herring Pond”

A. Atlantic Ocean (Answer)

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Arctic Ocean

D. Indian Ocean

FATA has ——- seats for women in National Assembly.

A. 0 (Answer)

B. 3

C. 5

D. 7

Term and tenure of Senate membership is —— years.

A. 4 years

B. 5 years

C. 6 years (Answer)

D. 7 years

Which conutry is called “Switzerland of Africa”

A. Egypt

B. Somalia

C. Swaziland (Answer)

D. Algeria

Which Country is called “Land of milk and honey”

A. Lebanon (Answer)

B. Iraq

C. Syria

D. India

Which conutry is called “Land of protease”

A. Australia

B. NewZealand

C. South Africa (Answer)

D. Zimbabwe

Which country is called “Venice of the North———

A. Stockholm (Answer)

B. Britain

C. Austria

D. Netherland

Where is the official residence of Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

A. Temple Trees (Answer)

B. Queen’s Land

C. Blue House

D. Elysee Palace

Which Country is called “Thunderbolt of Asia”

A. Thailand

B. Bhutan (Answer)

C. China

D. Taiwan

———- is the branch of physical geography dealing with the formation and features of mountains.

A. Orography (Answer)

B. Cartography

C. Palaeogeography

D. Oceanography

The name of famous clown at Food chain McDonald‟s name is ————

A. Asa Candler

B. Col. Harland Sanders

C. Ronald McDonald (Answer)

D. Ray Kroc

Bagram is an airbase of USA situated in———-

A. Afghanistan (Answer)

B. Pakistan

C. Somalia

D. Kazakhstan

Vatican city in which the Pope lives is a city that lies in ———

A. Germany

B. France

C. Italy (Answer)

D. Belgium

Hegel was a ——— Philosopher

A. French

B. German (Answer)

C. Italian

D. Swedish

Black Pool is a ———- in England

A. Hotel

B. Tower

C. Resort (Answer)

D. Island

Moseley Road Baths are located in ——

A. UK (Answer)

B. Iran

C. Afghanistan

D. India

Pakistan played first test match in ————.

A. 1951

B. 1952 (Answer)

C. 1953

D. 1954

D. 1955

How many High Courts of Pakistan are there

A. 4

B. 5 (Answer)

C. 6

D. 7

World Happiness Inde

x was first time published in year —

A. 2009 B. 2010

C. 2012 (Answer)

D. 2013

World Press Freedom Prize was established in ——- by United Nations‟ cultural body UNESCO‟s.

A. 1993

B. 1995

C. 1997 (Answer)

D. 1999

Working boundary is the border between Pakistan and————

A. India

B. Afghanistan

C. Iran

D.Indian-occupied Kashmir (Answer)

Ghana is the new name of———

A. Diamond coast

B. Gold coast (Answer)

C. Silver coast

D. Black coast

Habsha is the old name of———

A. Ethiopia (Answer)

B. Zaire

C. Uganda

D. Nigeria

What is a basin

A. High area of land

B. Deep area of River

C. Lower area of land (Answer)

D. None of These

The International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) is observed annually across the world on——-

A. 1st January

B. 9th December (Answer)

C. 9th January

D. 1st February

ODI stands for———

A. One Day International (Answer)

B. Overseas Development Institute

C. Oracle Data Integrator (Oracle

D. Office for Disability

Issues Panda is found in which country

A. Nepal

B. Bhutan

C. India

D.China (Answer)

The world‟s oldest Lake is———

A. Lake Baikal (Answer)

B. Lake Superior

C. Lake Victoria

D. Great Bear Lake

What is „Big Ben‟

A. A galaxy of stars on the sky

B. The world’s highest tower in Tokyo

C. The World’s first railway engine

D.Clock at British parliament building (Answer)

Who was the first viceroy of India

A. Lord ripon

B. Lord canning (Answer)

C. Lord curzon

D. Lord mayo

Total length of Great wall of china is————

A. 21,196 kilometers (Answer)

B. 29,300 kilometers

C. 35,255 kilometers

D. 41,911 kilometers

Napoleon Bonaparte was the king of———

A. France (Answer)

B. Italy

C. Russia

D. Spain

Pakistan lost the cricket world cup final in ————

A. 1992

B. 1996

C. 1999 (Answer)

D. 2003

National hero of Pakistan is —————.

A. Major Aziz bhatti

B. Abdul Salam

C. Quaid e Azam (Answer)

D. Muhammad bin Qasim

D. None

The term length for mayor is ——- years.

A. 3

B. 4 (Answer)

C. 5

D. 6

Members in KPK assembly are ———.

A. 122

B. 123

C. 124 (Answer)

D. 125

D. None



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