Synonyms E

Which of the following is a synonym for “excessive”?
a) Elusive
b) Extraneous
c) Enormous
d) Eccentric
Answer: c) Enormous

What is a synonym for “eloquent”?
a) Exhaustive
b) Expansive
c) Expressive
d) Exemplary
Answer: c) Expressive

Which word is a synonym for “erratic”?
a) Evident
b) Ecstatic
c) Erroneous
d) Ethereal
Answer: c) Erroneous

What does the word “elude” mean?
a) Escalate
b) Evoke
c) Enchant
d) Escape
Answer: d) Escape

Which of the following is a synonym for “exhausted”?
a) Energetic
b) Enraged
c) Enigmatic
d) Drained
Answer: d) Drained

What is a synonym for “enthusiastic”?
a) Erratic
b) Elated
c) Equitable
d) Exorbitant
Answer: b) Elated

Which word is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Enforce
b) Elaborate
c) Evaluate
d) Enclose
Answer: b) Elaborate

What does the word “exemplify” mean?
a) Establish
b) Exhibit
c) Excavate
d) Extinguish
Answer: b) Exhibit

Which of the following is a synonym for “eager”?
a) Exasperated
b) Exultant
c) Ecstatic
d) Enthusiastic
Answer: d) Enthusiastic

What is a synonym for “endure”?
a) Enlist
b) Evade
c) Embark
d) Sustain
Answer: d) Sustain

What is a synonym for “elusive”?
a) Exquisite
b) Evocative
c) Enigmatic
d) Empirical
Answer: c) Enigmatic

Which word is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Exterminate
b) Elongate
c) Enhance
d) Exclaim
Answer: b) Elongate

What does the word “exhilarating” mean?
a) Exhausting
b) Exciting
c) Excessive
d) Exasperating
Answer: b) Exciting

Which of the following is a synonym for “eccentric”?
a) Exuberant
b) Ecclesiastical
c) Enigmatic
d) Extraordinary
Answer: d) Extraordinary

What is a synonym for “evoke”?
a) Excite
b) Encroach
c) Endanger
d) Enrich
Answer: a) Excite

Which word is a synonym for “eloquent”?
a) Excessive
b) Exempt
c) Exquisite
d) Expressive
Answer: d) Expressive

What does the word “effervescent” mean?
a) Enchanting
b) Engrossing
c) Energetic
d) Exciting
Answer: c) Energetic

Which of the following is a synonym for “endure”?
a) Evade
b) Exacerbate
c) Encourage
d) Sustain
Answer: d) Sustain

What is a synonym for “enthralling”?
a) Envious
b) Exemplary
c) Enchanting
d) Erratic
Answer: c) Enchanting

Which word is a synonym for “exemplify”?
a) Evoke
b) Exhibit
c) Examine
d) Elucidate
Answer: b) Exhibit

What is a synonym for “essential”?
a) Elemental
b) Elaborate
c) Endearing
d) Ephemeral
Answer: a) Elemental

Which word is a synonym for “eager”?
a) Enigmatic
b) Elated
c) Earnest
d) Eccentric
Answer: c) Earnest

What does the word “exquisite” mean?
a) Exciting
b) Excessive
c) Exceptional
d) Expansive
Answer: c) Exceptional

Which of the following is a synonym for “enraged”?
a) Ecstatic
b) Exalted
c) Enthralled
d) Furious
Answer: d) Furious

What is a synonym for “expand”?
a) Expose
b) Enlarge
c) Encroach
d) Excel
Answer: b) Enlarge

Which word is a synonym for “endeavor”?
a) Exalt
b) Explore
c) Enlist
d) Execute
Answer: b) Explore

What does the word “elicit” mean?
a) Embark
b) Engage
c) Extract
d) Empower
Answer: c) Extract

Which of the following is a synonym for “exhaustive”?
a) Exhausting
b) Extensive
c) Expensive
d) Exuberant
Answer: b) Extensive

What is a synonym for “enjoyable”?
a) Entertaining
b) Exasperating
c) Engrossing
d) Enigmatic
Answer: a) Entertaining

Which word is a synonym for “evoke”?
a) Engulf
b) Excite
c) Exhibit
d) Exploit
Answer: b) Excite


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