Ghiyasuddin Balban (1152-1206) MCQs

Who was Ghiyasuddin Balban?
a) A renowned poet of the 12th century
b) A Sufi saint and spiritual leader
c) A powerful ruler of the Delhi Sultanate
d) A famous mathematician and astronomer
Answer: c) A powerful ruler of the Delhi Sultanate

When did Ghiyasuddin Balban live?
a) 1102-1156
b) 1180-1236
c) 1152-1206
d) 1225-1279
Answer: c) 1152-1206

Which dynasty did Ghiyasuddin Balban belong to?
a) Chola Dynasty
b) Gupta Dynasty
c) Delhi Sultanate Dynasty
d) Mughal Dynasty
Answer: c) Delhi Sultanate Dynasty

What was Ghiyasuddin Balban’s original occupation before becoming a ruler?
a) Farmer
b) Soldier
c) Trader
d) Court poet
Answer: b) Soldier

Ghiyasuddin Balban is known for his strict policies towards:
a) Religious tolerance
b) Cultural exchange
c) Political alliances
d) Nobles and the military
Answer: d) Nobles and the military

Which title did Ghiyasuddin Balban assume after becoming the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Caliph
b) Sultan
c) Shah
d) Emir
Answer: b) Sultan

How did Ghiyasuddin Balban strengthen his authority and centralize power during his rule?

a) Through economic reforms and trade agreements
b) By promoting religious tolerance and harmony
c) By suppressing noble and military factions
d) Through diplomatic alliances with neighboring kingdoms
Answer: c) By suppressing noble and military factions

Which Mongol invader threatened the Delhi Sultanate during Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign?
a) Genghis Khan
b) Tamerlane
c) Kublai Khan
d) Timur
Answer: a) Genghis Khan

Ghiyasuddin Balban is credited with laying the foundation for which administrative system?
a) Mughal bureaucracy
b) British colonial administration
c) Zamindari system
d) Persianate administration
Answer: d) Persianate administration

How did Ghiyasuddin Balban pass away?
a) Assassination
b) Natural causes
c) In battle against Mongol invaders
d) In a revolt led by his nobles
Answer: b) Natural causes

Ghiyasuddin Balban was known for his strong military leadership and successful campaigns against which neighboring kingdom?
a) Bengal Sultanate
b) Kingdom of Vijayanagara
c) Sultanate of Rum
d) Chola Dynasty
Answer: a) Bengal Sultanate

During Ghiyasuddin Balban’s rule, which social group gained significant influence and power in the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Sufi mystics
b) Hindu priests
c) Buddhist monks
d) Persian scholars
Answer: a) Sufi mystics

Ghiyasuddin Balban was a patron of art and culture, particularly in which field?
a) Music and dance
b) Architecture and sculpture
c) Poetry and literature
d) Painting and calligraphy
Answer: c) Poetry and literature

Which architectural marvel was constructed during Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign, symbolizing the might of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Taj Mahal
b) Red Fort
c) Qutub Minar
d) Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: c) Qutub Minar

Ghiyasuddin Balban is often considered one of the strongest rulers of the Delhi Sultanate after which earlier Sultan?
a) Muhammad bin Tughluq
b) Alauddin Khilji
c) Iltutmish
d) Razia Sultana
Answer: c) Iltutmish

Which of the following statements about Ghiyasuddin Balban’s administration is true?
a) He implemented a decentralized governance system.
b) He abolished the position of the prime minister.
c) He established a network of spies and informers.
d) He introduced a system of elected officials.
Answer: c) He established a network of spies and informers.

Ghiyasuddin Balban was a strong proponent of which religion during his reign?
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Christianity
d) Islam
Answer: d) Islam

Which important document did Ghiyasuddin Balban compile to guide the administration and policies of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Balban’s Code of Law
b) Sultanate Constitution
c) Lodi Principles
d) Ain-i-Akbari
Answer: a) Balban’s Code of Law

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign marked a shift in the Delhi Sultanate towards a more centralized form of government inspired by which empire?
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Byzantine Empire
c) Roman Empire
d) Abbasid Caliphate
Answer: b) Byzantine Empire

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s successor as the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate was:
a) Alauddin Khilji
b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
c) Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah
d) Razia Sultana
Answer: c) Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah

Which significant event occurred during Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign that posed a threat to the stability of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) The invasion of Timur
b) The First Crusade
c) The Mongol invasions
d) The rise of the Maratha Empire
Answer: c) The Mongol invasions

Ghiyasuddin Balban implemented a strict hierarchy and protocol at his court. What was the highest position in his court?
a) Prime Minister
b) Chief Justice
c) Grand Vizier
d) Diwan-e-Arz
Answer: c) Grand Vizier

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s policy of ‘blood and iron’ was aimed at:
a) Promoting religious harmony
b) Strengthening trade relations
c) Eliminating internal dissent
d) Expanding territorial boundaries
Answer: c) Eliminating internal dissent

Which ruler from the Chagatai Khanate challenged Ghiyasuddin Balban’s authority in the northwest region of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Alauddin Khilji
b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
c) Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah
d) Balakrishna Khyber
Answer: c) Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah

Ghiyasuddin Balban introduced a system called ‘Sijda and Paibos’ to emphasize:
a) Social equality
b) Religious freedom
c) Military discipline
d) Loyalty to the ruler
Answer: d) Loyalty to the ruler

What was Ghiyasuddin Balban’s response to the rebellions and revolts that occurred during his reign?
a) He granted amnesty to the rebels.
b) He implemented democratic reforms.
c) He suppressed the revolts with force.
d) He negotiated peaceful resolutions.
Answer: c) He suppressed the revolts with force.

Ghiyasuddin Balban was known for his administrative reforms. Which administrative institution did he establish to maintain law and order?
a) Diwan-e-Khairat
b) Diwan-e-Riyasat
c) Diwan-e-Insha
d) Diwan-e-Mustakhraj
Answer: b) Diwan-e-Riyasat

Ghiyasuddin Balban is often credited with successfully defending the Delhi Sultanate against which invader?
a) Alexander the Great
b) Mahmud of Ghazni
c) Nadir Shah
d) Timur
Answer: d) Timur

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s rule marked a significant shift in the Delhi Sultanate’s foreign policy towards which region?
a) Southeast Asia
b) Central Asia
c) East Africa
d) Europe
Answer: b) Central Asia

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign is considered a period of:
a) Cultural Renaissance
b) Economic Decline
c) Political Instability
d) Military Expansion
Answer: c) Political Instability

Ghiyasuddin Balban implemented a system called ‘Mukataba’ to regulate:
a) Agricultural taxation
b) Religious practices
c) Trade and commerce
d) Slavery and manumission
Answer: d) Slavery and manumission

Which of the following titles did Ghiyasuddin Balban NOT assume during his reign?
a) Malik
b) Sultan-ul-Mujahidin
c) Amir-ul-Umara
d) Zill-i-Ilahi
Answer: d) Zill-i-Ilahi

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s military reforms focused on strengthening which aspect of the armed forces?
a) Cavalry
b) Archery
c) Infantry
d) Siege warfare
Answer: a) Cavalry

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign is often described as a period of:
a) Scientific advancements
b) Religious tolerance
c) Administrative centralization
d) Cultural diversity
Answer: c) Administrative centralization

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s policy of ‘kingship is both a gift and a trust’ emphasized the ruler’s responsibility towards:
a) Religious leaders
b) Foreign allies
c) Common people
d) Nobility and aristocracy
Answer: c) Common people

Which influential Persian poet and philosopher served as Ghiyasuddin Balban’s court poet?
a) Rumi
b) Omar Khayyam
c) Hafez
d) Amir Khusrow
Answer: d) Amir Khusrow

Ghiyasuddin Balban implemented a system of coinage reforms to:
a) Promote international trade
b) Control inflation
c) Encourage barter system
d) Standardize weights and measures
Answer: b) Control inflation

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s policies aimed at reducing the influence of which group within the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Sufi mystics
b) Hindu merchants
c) Turkish nobles
d) Persian scholars
Answer: c) Turkish nobles

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s son, Prince Muhammad, was appointed as the governor of which important province of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Bengal
b) Gujarat
c) Kashmir
d) Punjab
Answer: a) Bengal

Ghiyasuddin Balban’s reign witnessed the emergence of which new threat to the Delhi Sultanate’s authority in the southern region?
a) Maratha Empire
b) Vijayanagara Empire
c) Chola Dynasty
d) Bahmani Sultanate
Answer: d) Bahmani Sultanate


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