Cognitive Psychology MCQs

What is the main focus of Cognitive Psychology?
a) The study of mental processes and how they influence behavior
b) The study of the brain and its structure
c) The study of social interactions and their impact on cognition
d) The study of human development and aging

Answer: a) The study of mental processes and how they influence behavior

Which of the following is NOT considered a mental process in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Perception
b) Memory
c) Motivation
d) Attention

Answer: c) Motivation

According to the information-processing model, which of the following is the correct sequence of information processing stages?
a) Encoding → Retrieval → Storage
b) Retrieval → Storage → Encoding
c) Storage → Encoding → Retrieval
d) Encoding → Storage → Retrieval

Answer: d) Encoding → Storage → Retrieval

Who proposed the concept of “schemas” in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Jean Piaget
c) Albert Bandura
d) Carl Rogers

Answer: b) Jean Piaget

Which of the following is an example of a cognitive bias?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Confirmation bias
d) Observational learning

Answer: c) Confirmation bias

Which of the following is associated with the concept of “working memory”?
a) George A. Miller
b) B. F. Skinner
c) Noam Chomsky
d) Elizabeth Loftus

Answer: a) George A. Miller

The study of how people acquire, process, and store information is known as:
a) Behavioral psychology
b) Cognitive neuroscience
c) Cognitive development
d) Cognitive science

Answer: d) Cognitive science

Which of the following is a key component of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?
a) Hypnosis
b) Medication
c) Psychoanalysis
d) Cognitive restructuring

Answer: d) Cognitive restructuring

Who is associated with the theory of multiple intelligences in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Howard Gardner
b) Abraham Maslow
c) Erik Erikson
d) Lawrence Kohlberg

Answer: a) Howard Gardner

Which of the following is NOT a research method commonly used in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Case study
b) Experiment
c) Survey
d) Psychoanalysis

Answer: d) Psychoanalysis

Which term refers to the mental process of organizing and interpreting sensory information?
a) Perception
b) Attention
c) Memory
d) Encoding

Answer: a) Perception

Who proposed the theory of “cognitive dissonance”?
a) Carl Rogers
b) Leon Festinger
c) B. F. Skinner
d) Albert Bandura

Answer: b) Leon Festinger

The capacity to hold and manipulate information in the mind for a brief period is known as:
a) Long-term memory
b) Sensory memory
c) Short-term memory
d) Working memory

Answer: d) Working memory

Which of the following is an example of implicit memory?
a) Recalling a phone number
b) Remembering the details of a recent event
c) Riding a bicycle
d) Solving a complex math problem

Answer: c) Riding a bicycle

According to the levels-of-processing model, which type of processing leads to the deepest level of memory encoding?
a) Structural encoding
b) Phonemic encoding
c) Semantic encoding
d) Visual encoding

Answer: c) Semantic encoding

Who is associated with the concept of “metacognition”?
a) Noam Chomsky
b) Albert Bandura
c) Elizabeth Loftus
d) John Flavell

Answer: d) John Flavell

Which of the following is an example of a cognitive function?
a) Hormone secretion
b) Muscle contraction
c) Problem-solving
d) Digestion

Answer: c) Problem-solving

Who proposed the theory of “information processing” in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Jean Piaget
b) Lev Vygotsky
c) Jerome Bruner
d) Ulric Neisser

Answer: d) Ulric Neisser

Which of the following is NOT a type of memory error commonly observed in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Misattribution
b) Transience
c) Source amnesia
d) Perceptual constancy

Answer: d) Perceptual constancy

The theory that suggests individuals actively construct their understanding of the world through cognitive processes is known as:
a) Behaviorism
b) Constructivism
c) Psychoanalysis
d) Gestalt psychology

Answer: b) Constructivism

Who is considered the father of modern cognitive psychology?
a) Ivan Pavlov
b) Sigmund Freud
c) John Watson
d) Ulric Neisser

Answer: d) Ulric Neisser

Which of the following is an example of a heuristic in problem-solving?
a) Trial and error
b) Algorithm
c) Mental set
d) Availability heuristic

Answer: d) Availability heuristic

Which branch of psychology examines how people acquire, process, and store information?
a) Social psychology
b) Developmental psychology
c) Cognitive psychology
d) Personality psychology

Answer: c) Cognitive psychology

The process of transforming sensory information into a meaningful representation is known as:
a) Perception
b) Attention
c) Encoding
d) Retrieval

Answer: c) Encoding

Who proposed the theory of “cognitive development”?
a) Jean Piaget
b) Erik Erikson
c) Lawrence Kohlberg
d) Lev Vygotsky

Answer: a) Jean Piaget

Which of the following is an example of a cognitive restructuring technique?
a) Systematic desensitization
b) Token economy
c) Thought stopping
d) Reframing

Answer: d) Reframing

Which memory system has a very large storage capacity but a limited duration?
a) Sensory memory
b) Short-term memory
c) Long-term memory
d) Working memory

Answer: b) Short-term memory

The tendency to fill in gaps in our memory with plausible but inaccurate information is known as:
a) Suggestibility
b) Priming
c) Chunking
d) Reconstruction

Answer: d) Reconstruction

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of attention?
a) Selectivity
b) Limited capacity
c) Automaticity
d) Permanence

Answer: d) Permanence

Who proposed the concept of “cognitive maps”?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Albert Bandura
c) Edward Tolman
d) Carl Rogers

Answer: c) Edward Tolman

Which of the following is an example of a cognitive bias related to decision-making?
a) Observational learning
b) Anchoring bias
c) Classical conditioning
d) Operant conditioning

Answer: b) Anchoring bias

The process of maintaining attention on a particular stimulus over an extended period is known as:
a) Divided attention
b) Selective attention
c) Sustained attention
d) Executive attention

Answer: c) Sustained attention

Who proposed the theory of “social cognitive learning”?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Albert Bandura
c) Carl Rogers
d) Erik Erikson

Answer: b) Albert Bandura

Which of the following is NOT a stage of memory according to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model?
a) Sensory memory
b) Working memory
c) Episodic memory
d) Long-term memory

Answer: c) Episodic memory

The mental process of actively and consciously focusing on specific information is called:
a) Perception
b) Attention
c) Encoding
d) Retrieval

Answer: b) Attention

Who is associated with the concept of “fluid and crystallized intelligence”?
a) Howard Gardner
b) Robert Sternberg
c) Raymond Cattell
d) David Wechsler

Answer: c) Raymond Cattell

Which of the following is a characteristic of expert problem solvers?
a) Reliance on algorithms
b) Limited working memory capacity
c) Less use of heuristics
d) Difficulty in recognizing patterns

Answer: c) Less use of heuristics

The theory that suggests that information is more likely to be remembered when it is deeply processed is known as:
a) Levels-of-processing theory
b) Dual-coding theory
c) Interference theory
d) Consolidation theory

Answer: a) Levels-of-processing theory

Who proposed the theory of “concept formation” in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Jean Piaget
b) B. F. Skinner
c) Jerome Bruner
d) Noam Chomsky

Answer: c) Jerome Bruner

Which of the following is an example of an executive function?
a) Language comprehension
b) Emotional regulation
c) Face recognition
d) Decision-making

Answer: d) Decision-making

Who proposed the theory of “working memory”?
a) George A. Miller
b) Elizabeth Loftus
c) Alan Baddeley
d) John Watson

Answer: c) Alan Baddeley

The process of mentally breaking down information into smaller units is known as:
a) Chunking
b) Encoding
c) Retrieval
d) Priming

Answer: a) Chunking

Who is associated with the concept of “zone of proximal development”?
a) Jean Piaget
b) Lev Vygotsky
c) Erik Erikson
d) Lawrence Kohlberg

Answer: b) Lev Vygotsky

The theory that suggests people’s behavior is determined by their perceptions and interpretations of the world is known as:
a) Behaviorism
b) Social constructivism
c) Gestalt psychology
d) Cognitive dissonance theory

Answer: b) Social constructivism

Which of the following is an example of a mnemonic device?
a) Operant conditioning
b) Priming
c) Method of loci
d) Schema

Answer: c) Method of loci

Who proposed the theory of “theory of mind”?
a) Jean Piaget
b) Lev Vygotsky
c) Lawrence Kohlberg
d) David Premack

Answer: d) David Premack

The process of transforming stored information into a usable form is known as:
a) Retrieval
b) Perception
c) Attention
d) Encoding

Answer: a) Retrieval

Which of the following is an example of a cognitive approach to studying language development?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Social learning theory
c) Information processing theory
d) Psychoanalytic theory

Answer: c) Information processing theory

The cognitive bias that involves relying on readily available examples that come to mind is called:
a) Confirmation bias
b) Representative bias
c) Availability bias
d) Anchoring bias

Answer: c) Availability bias

Who is associated with the concept of “self-efficacy” in Cognitive Psychology?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Albert Bandura
c) Carl Rogers
d) Abraham Maslow

Answer: b) Albert Bandura


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