The Protozoa MCQs

What is the primary mode of nutrition in protozoa?
A) Autotrophic
B) Heterotrophic
C) Mixotrophic
D) Saprophytic

Answer: B) Heterotrophic

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of protozoa?
A) Unicellular
B) Eukaryotic
C) Multicellular
D) Often motile

Answer: C) Multicellular

Which organelle in protozoa is responsible for locomotion?
A) Nucleus
B) Mitochondria
C) Flagellum
D) Ribosome

Answer: C) Flagellum

Malaria is caused by a protozoan of the genus:
A) Amoeba
B) Paramecium
C) Plasmodium
D) Giardia

Answer: C) Plasmodium

Which protozoan is responsible for causing sleeping sickness in humans?
A) Trypanosoma
B) Trichomonas
C) Entamoeba
D) Leishmania

Answer: A) Trypanosoma

Amoebic dysentery is caused by the protozoan:
A) Plasmodium
B) Entamoeba histolytica
C) Toxoplasma gondii
D) Trypanosoma cruzi

Answer: B) Entamoeba histolytica

Which group of protozoa is characterized by the presence of cilia for movement?
A) Rhizopoda
B) Ciliophora
C) Flagellata
D) Sporozoa

Answer: B) Ciliophora

The process of encystation in protozoa is primarily associated with:
A) Reproduction
B) Feeding
C) Protection during unfavorable conditions
D) Locomotion

Answer: C) Protection during unfavorable conditions

Which protozoan infection is often transmitted through contaminated water and causes severe diarrhea?
A) Toxoplasmosis
B) Giardiasis
C) Trypanosomiasis
D) Malaria

Answer: B) Giardiasis

The vector responsible for transmitting the parasite that causes African trypanosomiasis is:
A) Mosquito
B) Tsetse fly
C) Sandfly
D) Flea

Answer: B) Tsetse fly

Which protozoan is responsible for causing the sexually transmitted infection known as “trichomoniasis”?
A) Trypanosoma
B) Plasmodium
C) Trichomonas vaginalis
D) Leishmania

Answer: C) Trichomonas vaginalis

Which organelle in protozoa is involved in food storage and digestion?
A) Contractile vacuole
B) Nucleus
C) Golgi apparatus
D) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: A) Contractile vacuole

The protozoan responsible for causing Chagas disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of:
A) Mosquito
B) Tsetse fly
C) Reduviid bug (kissing bug)
D) Sandfly

Answer: C) Reduviid bug (kissing bug)

Which of the following protozoa is known for its unique calcium carbonate shell or test?
A) Paramecium
B) Foraminifera
C) Trypanosoma
D) Leishmania

Answer: B) Foraminifera

Which group of protozoa is characterized by having an undulating membrane that aids in locomotion?
A) Amoebas
B) Ciliates
C) Flagellates
D) Sporozoans

Answer: C) Flagellates

The protozoan responsible for causing toxoplasmosis can be transmitted to humans through contact with:
A) Infected soil
B) Contaminated water
C) Cat feces
D) Mosquito bites

Answer: C) Cat feces

Which protozoan is responsible for causing a disease known as “Leishmaniasis,” which can manifest as skin sores or more severe visceral symptoms?
A) Trypanosoma cruzi
B) Plasmodium falciparum
C) Leishmania spp.
D) Trichomonas vaginalis

Answer: C) Leishmania spp.

The protozoan responsible for causing “amoebic keratitis” primarily affects which part of the human body?
A) Lungs
B) Skin
C) Eyes
D) Intestines

Answer: C) Eyes

Which protozoan group includes organisms that are often called “water molds” and are responsible for causing diseases in fish and amphibians?
A) Apicomplexa
B) Euglenozoa
C) Oomycota
D) Parabasalids

Answer: C) Oomycota

Malaria, a disease caused by protozoa, is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of which vector?
A) Tsetse fly
B) Mosquito
C) Sandfly
D) Flea

Answer: B) Mosquito

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